Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Daily BITUB- "Frustrated?"

We have all done it… Been so frustrated at a person, a situation, a moment.  Especially the ones we simply feel like we cannot control.  No matter how we reason, what we say, what we do, when we do it… It always seems to get the same exact output.  Sometimes it takes a complete breakdown of the situation to fully grasp what and why things are happening.  Sometimes it takes us slowing down and assessing the entire picture to determine what is the real outcome we are seeking.  What you also come to find when you look into those moments of frustration is that you are seeking an answer that is clear-Good or Bad. Sometimes though reality is it can be neither, it is simply an answer so that you can move forward on to what can, must and will come next... And while you may not get that definite "good or bad" you are looking for in the moment you must focus on your faith that there are positive possibilities in every scenario.  We must remind ourselves that while we are frustrated sometimes... It is our ability to take that frustrated energy and create a positive energy that helps us realize exactly why we will continue to be blessed by God and His opportunities for us to do what we do each and every day. 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day!


"Believe in yourself...  All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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