Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Daily BITUB- "Put in the effort!"

You can't expect to get something out of that which you don't put in!  It's not enough to talk about what you want.  It's not enough to lay out the plans of what could be or what you wish would happen! You could spend all day talking about "what if" and all the ways something could play out, or you could influence the outcome!  You have to put in the effort!  You have to get up, get going, commit and be ready for what comes!  You have to be willing to improvise along the way.  You have to be willing to take the good with the bad.  You have to be willing to grow in the moment and relish the experience!  Set a goal and set it high!  Chase it every single day!  Better yourself... Study, read, observe.  Allow yourself to ask questions and never stop appreciating the privilege of self development. Educate yourself and share what you know so that others may benefit from your experiences.  Do your best to give more than you take!  Pray, give thanks, give praise... Be open to the beautiful blessings God gives you to help you on this journey!  Take them and make them matter!  You want life?  Then it's up to you to start living it!  

Believe In The Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day!


"Believe in yourself...  All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





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