Friday, October 23, 2015

Daily BITUB- "That Place"

Step into that place... 

The one where all is exactly as it should be. Where the moment is defined by you. Where the ones who give you that lift reside. Where the light shines brighter and the path is that much clearer. It's not so much your happy place as it is your sanctuary of thoughts. Where you feel loved. Where you remember that look your mom would give you across the room that made you feel special, safe and content.  Where the unspoken words of your dad made you know he was proud.  It's where God's blessings resonate and urge you to push forward.  That area where your dreams are closest to reality and your faith is at its strongest. Where unconditional love is real and unbelievable chances are encouraged.  You know that place! It's where you want it to be, where you need it to be...  It's inside of you! 

So, step into that place!  Where your heart is the path, your mind your guide, your spirit your companion and where you can and should always Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU!

Have a blessed weekend!


"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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