Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Daily BITUB- "The Wall"

Why build the wall?  

To keep people out?  To keep you in?  Maybe you are thinking that you are challenging others to break it down, climb over it and find a way to get to you.  Maybe you are challenging yourself to find a way out. The walls we build can have many explanations.  Sometimes we may not even remember why we put it up, and that fear of taking it down can be overwhelming.  We've all been in that place.  We've all been pushed and pulled...  So we tell ourselves there isn't a chance we will allow that again.  Thing is it's difficult to allow ourselves to be exposed like that, and honestly no one can decide that for us.  It is a choice.  It is a choice made with much prayer, thought, support and reflection.  It is a choice about what we really want and one that finds us focusing on what we truly need.  I can't offer any words that will take down the walls around you.  Only offer that I've lived behind them.  I've felt alone and thought "why me".  That is until I began to realize that my prayers weren't falling by the wayside.  In fact God was right there with me behind the wall.  He was there offering His hand to help pull me over, was there showing me ways around it.  That was ONLY when I was ready for Him!  That doesn't happen until we are willing to be ready, and the blessing is in God's understanding that being ready simply won't happen until we are.  When it comes He will be right there where He always is... Ready to take the first step in faith beyond those walls with us.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day!


"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





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