Thursday, May 19, 2016

Daily BITUB- "If not you then who?"

If not you then who?  If not now then when?  If not here then where?  I'm often compelled to ask those questions of the people in my life.  Whenever I get complacent or feel like things are out of control I ask myself the same questions.  We've all heard it said that life is not a spectator sport.  It's not!  However, it's not only about being in the game it's wanting and needing to be in the game! I see it all the time.  People questioning why they are where they are, why others are ahead of them,  blaming everyone else for their situation.  That isn't going to create the motivation needed to progress forward.  It's not going to give you the career, the family, the education you want.  It's not going to help you reach your dreams and goals.  You want to be more, then you have to be the catalyst that ignites that fire!   You have to take charge of each moment and direct life down the road you want it to go.  You must be an active participant! You mustn't simply expect  things to happen...  You have to make them happen!  God gives us the path, He provides us the blessings, but it is on us to travel that path, to appreciate those blessings by using them!  After all...

If not you then who?  
If not now then when?  
If not here then where? 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is you and have a blessed day!


"Believe in yourself... All things possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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