Monday, August 15, 2016

Daily BITUB- "Tantrums"

I remember certain parts of my childhood vividly.  Especially stomping my feet and crying in a tantrum when I didn't get what I wanted.  While the way we have a tantrum may have changed we still all have them.  One of the hardest lessons my parents taught me, and I am still learning, is that you won't always get your way.  You won't always see eye to eye with others.  You won't always agree with an outcome.  So what do you do?  As my Pop always said... "Get over it and get on with it!"  Life isn't about getting everything our heart desires.  It isn't about satisfying want after want.  It's about chasing down the things that we need in order to be who we are supposed to be.  It's about having people in our lives that nourish those dreams, encourage our pursuit of happiness, and refuse to always give us our way.  Not so that we throw a tantrum, but that we understand that maybe we aren't supposed to have "this", but rather we are to have "that".  It may not make sense in the moment, but at some point God makes it known when it matters most.  So while we will still throw an occasional tantrum, remember that if we need it, God will provide it.  If it matters, we will fight for it.  If we believe in it then we are already over it and getting on with it!

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed week! 


"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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