Thursday, September 1, 2016

Daily BITUB- "Embrace it!"

Enjoy all of it!  Embrace every aspect of life!  The good, the great, the bad and the blessings.  Look at each moment as opportunity.  Don't focus so much on the what, the why, the how, but be grateful because of the experience.  Pause long enough to enjoy the happy, and remember those feelings to help you push through the sad.  Make your moments memories.  Be your blessings.  Share your laughter, share your hurt, go ahead and cry when you must, shout when you should and smile big enough to light up the room when you can!  Don't forget to pray for others as you ask for your prayers to be answered.  Kiss your family good morning and good night.  Say "I love you" as much as you can.  Remember we all make mistakes, but we all have opportunities to fix them.  Sometimes you won't know the right choice, sometimes you'll make the wrong one, and other times it's simply about making one to move forward!  Enjoy the beautiful all around you and don't be afraid to show people how much you do.

Enjoy all of it...  Embrace every aspect of life...  And give thanks to God for He is great!

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day! 


"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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