Sunday, December 25, 2016

Daily BITUB- "Merry Christmas!"

I was blessed to write this a few years ago...   As it popped up in my feed today I felt I would share it as it seems to apply perfect for this year as it did then.   

Today will be filled with children's smiles... Laughter and probably a few tears : ).  We will rip through gifts and stand in piles of paper. We will eat and drink a lot...  We will play games and tell stories... We will miss those who have gone or not able to visit, but we will honor them by loving them all the more today in our smiles and remembrance of them. Yes we will do many things that will remind us of the beauty in life. We get so busy throughout it all sometimes we miss it though... We miss what it is and what it all can be. So, take a moment to soak it all up. Take a step back and just bask in it. Take a moment to pray for those that don't have it. Take a moment to appreciate it more by hugging tighter, laughing louder, playing longer... Take a moment to give praise to God and to thank Him for these beautiful blessings. Take a moment to say "Happy Birthday" to Jesus for it is His birth that gives us this day.  Take a moment to know that today is as beautiful as you want to make it... So make this moment one of your fondest memories. 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU... Happy Christmas and may all your blessings come to light.


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