Thursday, January 5, 2017

Daily BITUB- "The Journey into 2017"

Over the past few days several people asked me what my New Year's Resolutions were.  Honestly, I don't have any resolutions, but rather I am focused on continuing the journey I've already started. A journey that began years ago and continues today.  A journey to learn what I can, share what I must, to give more and take less, to listen better, and to focus more on the good than the bad. A journey of choices to be a better father, husband, son, brother, friend.  A journey that finds me expressing more of what matters to me and prioritizing to put those people and things at the top of the list. A journey of love not hate.  A journey to try and forgive quicker, to put the grudges aside, and to show compassion, understanding, and support.  A journey of faith… Faith in tomorrow, faith in today, faith that God is in control.  A journey that reminds me I must do my part to appreciate God's blessings by living with my values and morals intact. A journey to pursue happiness, but never at the expense of others.  A journey that brings me into 2017, just the way I finished 2016...  Focused, determined, and committed to continuing the path.  A journey to Believe in the Unbelievable possibilities of what each new year will bring.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day! 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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