Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Daily BITUB- "Purpose"

What's your purpose?  Who is your purpose?  Why are they?  Do they know?  Have you told them lately?  Have you shown them lately? Are you so busy trying to create a life for them you forget to live life with them?  It's easy to do, and before you know it life has passed you by.  You've missed moments and overlooked memories, but you don't have to keep doing it!  Thing is your here now.  You have the opportunity in front of you to change course.  It's not too late to change.  It's not too late to start.  Every day you wake up is another chance to influence the outcome of the day! It's another chance to love and be loved. It's another day to express your feelings, and show those that matter most to you that they do!  Play a game with your kids, hold your spouse's hand, write them a note, share your day with them, call your best friend, visit your grandparents, tell your parents thank you, remind your brothers and sisters about the things only they would know!  Tell them they are your reason for living, your reason for being, your purpose...  After all you may just find they have been so busy they have been wanting to tell you the same.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day! 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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