Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Daily BITUB- "Sometimes"

Every chance you get, you should! 

We often think of all the reasons we shouldn't do something.  Why not focus on the reasons, the beauty, the opportunity of why we should? Sometimes it's undeniable. Sometimes it's subtle.  Sometimes it's in a smile or hand shake. Sometimes it's just a look from across a crowded room.  Sometimes it's in a flurry of activity and sometimes it's when nothing is happening at all.  Sometimes it's in a hug, helping hand, a shoulder to cry on. Sometimes it's in laughter and sometimes it's in the tears. Sometimes it's in a kind word or a happy thought. Sometimes it's in a prayer when no one but God is listening.  Sometimes it's in our first thought, and sometimes it's in our last one.  Sometimes it's the only way we can keep moving. Sometimes it's the only reason we do.  Sometimes it's in the memory of a moment. Sometimes it is the moment.  Sometimes it's believing when it seems impossible to believe and sometimes it's the only way we know how to believe.  Sometimes it's because we can, we will, and we have!  Sometimes it's because we know God loves us and we trust and have faith in His way.

Sometimes it's simply because someone Believes in the Unbelievable in YOU. 

Have a blessed day.


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23







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