Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Daily BITUB- "Reality Checklist"

It's so easy to point fingers. Even easier to assign blame. After all it can't be us that's causing the issue.  It can't be us that's delaying our pursuit of happiness.  It's hard sometimes to take ownership of our own journey.  It's hard to sit and realize we've stunted our own self development.  Sometimes we have to slow down and self reflect. Looking at who we are creates the starting point to moving forward to who we want to become. We have to move our focus to the outcome of what could be, what we want to be, and assess what actually is! Go ahead and create a reality checklist. Write it down if you have to, but allow it to enable you to determine what must be done, what you need to do it, what must be fixed, and what needs a complete overhaul. We can lose sight of our long term goals as we can easily get wrapped up in the many opportunities for instant gratification. Thing is that won't last unless it is part of the long term pursuit of what really matters. You may have to give up somethings today in order to reach those wildest of dreams tomorrow. So go ahead and make that reality checklist now. Realign your priorities and recommit to your personal growth!  It won't happen on its own, and you must realize it's not about what you think you deserve it's about what you are willing to earn!  When you are willing to fight for it, commit to it, dedicate yourself to it, then it becomes more than a part of you- It is you! 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day! 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





Believe in the Unbelievable Page

Little Boy, Big Dreams LLC Page 

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