Friday, September 8, 2017

Daily BITUB- "A Reason"

Sometimes life hits us head on with something we simply didn't expect.  It leaves us with fear, doubt and cries of "It wasn't supposed to be like this!"  Then we start to crumble as thing after thing starts to happen.  We want to stop this storm from gathering up strength, but we don't know how.  It can be relentless at times, but so is our ability to have faith.  It's not saying we do, it's trusting in it, believing in the power of it, and letting ourselves fall into God's healing hands.  My wife let me listen to one of her motivational podcasts by Hal Elrod and he said, "Everything happens for a reason, but it is up to us to determine what that reason will be!"  That's exactly it.  How will you take what you are given and make it matter?  How will you allow it to help others, to grow from it, to just be better by it?  Nobody gets to determine the cross they must carry, but we all get to choose just how we will.  So, what will it be?  If you want to stop the storm from gathering strength, then be stronger than it!  Give yourself a chance to do what you can and never stop fighting!  After all, you can't give up on the possibility of what can be, because too many people refuse to give up on the possibility of what they know you will be.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed weekend!


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





Believe in the Unbelievable Page

Little Boy, Big Dreams LLC Page 

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