Monday, October 16, 2017

Daily BITUB- “Relief”

Relief?  Relief from a person, place, a feeling, doubts, fears?  You need relief now or you are just going to throw your hands up and quit!  You are going to be done with it and move on!  You are lost in this storm and don't know where to go next!  Guess what?  It's still going to be there, despite you not wanting to be.  It is going to be a thought that will show up when you least expect it.  You can't run away from it!  Instead, slow down for a moment and let it all catch up.  While it does, give yourself the time to pray and talk to God.  Allow yourself the opportunity to catch your breath, rejuvenate your spirit, lean on someone's faith!  Allow yourself to gather your strength and find your fight!  It's there!  Don't just move on, but move forward and through it.  Handle what you must so that you gain the blessing of experience.  Could there be hurt, frustration, confusion?  Of course, but that's all part of living life!  It's part of being an active participant in ourselves and what matters most to us!  It's learning about who we are every day and building upon those foundations!  The relief will come as we begin to realize how we are better for this storm and how strong we can be as we weather it.  The relief is in our and faith and trust in God as we allow Him to guide us through it all.  

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed week! 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





Believe in the Unbelievable Page

Little Boy, Big Dreams LLC Page 

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