Monday, February 12, 2018

Daily BITUB- “How will we walk it?”

Throughout our lives we experience both physical and spiritual events that impact us.  Some are subtle and we may not even notice them until years later.  Some are immediate life changing moments that can make us pause, change course, even question where and why we are.  The reaction to those experiences is what matters most.  Do we curse them?  Do we embrace them?  Do we grow from them?  Do we look at those moments with the understanding that God is in control of the path and we are in control of how we will walk it?  There will always be moments of question.  There will always be moments where our faith waivers and we challenge the cross we must carry.  Just as those moments exist so do the moments where we get to show that our faith is enough.  That we are strong enough to deal with what ever cross we are to bear.  That we believe when it is seemingly impossible to believe. That we trust that God is leading us through whatever trials we must face.  We trust we can reach the blessings He has waiting for us when we get to that place He knows we need to be.  We will get there, but only when we understand that only He knows when we are ready to be there.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed week! 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





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