Monday, April 30, 2018

Daily BITUB- “Pick It Up!”

The cross before you looks heavy, doesn't it?  It's ok to be afraid.  It's ok to have that anxious feeling.  It means it matters.  It means what is before you will be impactful, and the choices you make will influence your life, your path, and you.  Go ahead and feel it!  Let yourself take it in and use it to propel yourself forward.  God doesn't hand out the wrong cross.  He doesn't put you on the wrong path.  He isn't wondering if you can handle it.  He already knows where you are going.  He knows what you are doing.  He knows what this means and why it is absolutely necessary for you to experience it!  One day you'll realize that fear you had, that anxiety you felt prepared you to help someone who is facing the same.  You'll understand the lesson, you'll get what the blessing was all along.  Trust in that!  Have faith in that!  Pick up the cross, face your fears, push anxiety to the side and Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU!

Have a wonderful day everyone and may God continue to bless you through His Grace! 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





Believe in the Unbelievable Page

Little Boy, Big Dreams LLC Page 

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