Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Daily BITUB- “Down Not Out”

Sometimes things just bring you down. You get discouraged by people, let down by others, and it can be draining. Nobody is immune to those situations, and sometimes it's the hope we place in others that gets damaged the most. What I've learned over the years is how our focus tends to linger on those few negative situations rather then the many positive ones that come our way. Maybe it's because there are so many we take them for granted. Maybe we just overlook them because we can't get passed the negative one that happened weeks ago. Life is all about moments. It's about interactions that make us who we are. We can think the good or bad into any situation. It's ours to control. It's our choice to see the silver lining, to find the light in the dark, to believe that even in our darkest moments there are blessings. Remember God is giving us what we need to be all we can be... So we may be down sometimes, but rest assured we are not out! Don't lose hope, for it is that hope that creates the building blocks for a solid foundation of faith that can and will sustain you.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day! 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





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