Thursday, October 25, 2018

Daily BITUB- “Pain”

Pain is real. Give in to that pain and it can control you. It can deter you from living your dreams. It can put doubt in your heart that is seemingly impossible to overcome. Though, it is through pain we often find our strength. You can overcome it! You can control it! We've all heard that pain is temporary. It subsides. Letting that pain overtake you creates regret. Regret doesn't go away. It's "what if", "I wish", "I should have"... Those things that rear their ugly head years later. If it hurts it matters. If it hurts it can heal! Don't let it control you. Use it. Let it fuel you. Let it give you strength. Let the experience of that pain help you understand the choices you must make and then make them! People may not get it. People may not like it. People may not be able to accept their place in it. Just because it's not going according to plan doesn't mean you change THE plan. Go with your heart. Let your faith lead the way. Let God be your companion. Let the pain run its course and you stay on yours. 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day!


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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