Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Daily BITUB- “Who are you pleasing?”

Who are you trying to please? Why are you trying to please them? What happens if you don't? Often times we get so wrapped up in other people's perceptions of who we should be, what we should dream, where we should go we lose complete sight of what really matters. We forget about the importance of having a relationship with ourselves, with God, and being honest about the important things we need in our lives. We forget about our values, the foundation of faith we stand on, and the vision we had of chasing our dreams. There is no satisfaction in pleasing everyone around you if you aren't happy with who you are and if you aren't staying true to who you want to be. God will always provide the path, but it is on us to walk it! It's on us to follow our hearts, to live our lives, and dream our dreams. So I'll ask again. Who are you trying to please? Why are you trying to please them? What happens if you don't? Then again if you aren't happy, if you don't have the relationship with God you want because you are focused so much on others... What happens if you do?

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day! 

"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23

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