Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Daily BITUB- “Crossroads”

You are at a crossroads. You have to make a decision between moving forward or moving on. You know what you want, but the road lately has been riddled with setbacks, obstacles, and doubts. Your mind tells you it's time to give up on this pursuit and go back to the easier path, but your heart is telling you that there is no pursuit without this dream. Stop thinking about how hard it is and start thinking about why you started it in the first place. You bet it's a choice! You bet it's on you to decide. Yes, you can be certain there is more adversity ahead, but you knew that when you started the journey towards living, being, and becoming your dream. Remember that excitement when you first made the decision to chase it? Remember the emotions, the passion, the motivation that came from within that helped you take that first step? Think hard because it's all still there. You are at a crossroads. One path is straight and narrow, the other is going to require you to leap. So go ahead and close your eyes, picture the destination, take God's hand, feel that faith and jump! As I've said often no matter the landing you will be that much closer to your dreams.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day! 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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