Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Daily BITUB- “Focusing”

Focusing on those things that matter most to us creates a different perspective. There are less distractions. Words like "I can't", "boundaries", "I don't know how", don't exist in those places where we are determined to do, be, become more. Determination is real. It exists in those places where we know there is more to be done, where there is a higher bar, where our next level exists. Realizing what we want and what is necessary for us to feel complete gives us reason to reach within to find strength we didn't even know we had. That's true in all facets of our lives. It's inevitable that we face obstacles. There will always be limitations that we condition ourselves to accept. It won't be easy to overcome those doubts, but it will be worth it when we do! It's there, in those moments you will realize there isn't anything that is truly out of reach if you trust in your faith, in the path God has for you, and in your ability to go after it with all the blessings that exist right here and right now.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day! 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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