Monday, March 18, 2019

Daily BITUB- “Blessings”

God gives us blessings. There isn't a day, a moment or an instance that those blessings aren't present. They are there in the darkest of times and there in the happiest of them. They give us a path and then they light the path with each step we take. They are in our family, in our children, in our spouse, in friends, in challenges, in successes. They are there when we least expect it and there when we need them most. The blessings of life don't go anywhere, but it's up to us to understand the significance of those blessings. To see them. To realize them. To be them. To cherish them always. To notice the beauty in acknowledging them even when the day does go as planned. Even when life is at it's greatest. That's when appreciation of those blessings often get overlooked. Yet that is exactly when we must say thank you to God for giving us so much joy that we remember it when we are at our limits, facing adversity, and fighting our fights.  

So, take a moment today and just thank God. Thank God for the many blessings that He gives us today and everyday.  

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed week!


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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