Monday, March 4, 2019

Daily BITUB- “People Change Lives”

People change our lives. Some good and some, well, not so good. Though every relationship we experience teaches us something, and we get to take from them a better understanding of what is important in our lives. As you really think of it you'll start to see things you may have overlooked. You'll realize we have all loved and lost. We have all put all of ourselves into something and not had it returned. We have all overlooked a good thing. We have all taken something and someone for granted. We have all wondered if we said enough, did enough, listened enough. We even think about those that have passed... Were we there for them? Did they know what they meant to us? Regardless of what was, people do change lives and we have all changed and influenced someone. Everyday we get another opportunity, and it's never too late. Never too late to thank, miss, need and love. Never too late to pray. Never too late to appreciate who we have and have had in our lives. Never too late to let those that matter most in your life know they do. Never too late to be someone blessed by the positive influences in our lives. Never too late to be grateful for the privilege of changing as many lives as we can touch. People change lives. Whose life is changing yours and how are you giving of yourself to help others change theirs? 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed week! 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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