Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Daily BITUB- “Show it”

I was reading through a few posts yesterday and this one popped up. I thought I would share it again today as it was a great reminder for me. -DC

If you care, then show it! If it bothers you, then be brave enough to tell them it does. If you need help, then be strong enough to ask for it. If you need them to trust you, make sure they can. If you need prayer, then pray with them. If you need guidance, be willing to follow. If you need love, then allow yourself to be loved and love back! If you need honesty, start by telling yourself the truth about what matters. If you need encouragement, then look at your past success. If you need confidence, then look at how far you've come. If you need to overcome the dark, then let your light shine. If you need tomorrow to be better than today, then do your part to make it so. If you want more, then dedicate and commit yourself to it! If you need faith, then be faithful, and look at all those that put their faith in you each and every day. If you need God to find you, simply want to be found for He is always there. If you need to believe in you, remember you never have to convince us... We already do. 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day!


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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