Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Daily BITUB- “Passion”

What are you passionate about? What are you going to do to get yourself that much closer to who you know you want to be? The strength to be who we are lies in our ability to see what we are capable of achieving, and then believe in ourselves enough to be willing to achieve it. It is our passion that drive us! It lies in the appreciation of our gifts and talents. You know the ones... The ones given to us by God and cultivated by the experiences throughout our lives.The end result of those experiences are not always going to be what we may have expected, or even what we wanted, but rest assured God will provided what is needed. Along the journey there will be people and places in our lives that will change. That change is not a bad thing if we are staying true to our values and the dreams and goals we are destined to pursue. That change is growth! Growth in ourselves, in how we look at life, and in our priorities. It's growth that often tests our strength where we find that the pursuit of happiness becomes more clear. It helps us understand what it is that truly defines happiness for us. Family? Friends? Career? Health? Maybe it's all of it. Regardless, knowing is the starting point and believing is the foundation of our strength that gives us the push to achieve that happiness. Have faith in the journey. Trust your strength. Use it to find your purpose, and remember purpose will always drive your passion. 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day! 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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