Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Daily BITUB- “Amazing Things”

You can never be held down unless you willingly allow others to dictate what you can and can't do. Your commitment to yourself is one of the strongest attributes you can have. Dedication to a goal and passion for a dream can lead to amazing things, but you have to want it! You can't wait for the right moment you have to believe that you are capable of creating that moment. You are the starting point! You know it won't be easy, but it sure will be worth it. You'll grow, you'll experience, you'll learn, you'll be better for it. You and the blessings God have provided have already set the foundation for your next beautiful journey. You just have to take it. If you are waiting and looking for a clear cut path... There isn't one. Honestly, why would you want that?  Adversity provides experience and experience provides strength. It helps you develop insight and in turn creates that path you seek step by step. A path that will pave the way for helping you become exactly who you are capable of being. A path where you will find that trusting in that leap of faith places you exactly where God intends for you to be in the exact moment you are supposed to be there. 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is you find the strength within to take that leap of faith, and that you believe no matter where you land God is already there ready to catch you. 

Have a blessed day. 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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