Friday, June 21, 2019

Daily BITUB- “Your Story”

"Every road leads somewhere. Every somewhere means something to someone. Every someone has a story with a purpose."- DC (2012j 

All of us are going somewhere. All of us have a story to tell. All of us have experienced things that gave us perspective and provided lessons... Even those we didn't want to learn. Some people will use it to push forward, others will get stuck, and even others will refuse to look at what is right there in front of them. We all have the opportunity to face ourselves, but we won't all do it. Let's face it, it's hard to do. You see things you may not want to see, but if you truly want to evolve then see it you must! When you allow yourself to be honest with where you are and what you are you empower yourself to become what you want to be and in turn go where you need to go. Stop avoiding your story. Stop being afraid to venture into those uncomfortable uncharted territories. It's those places that allow you to be your story, it's those places where your wildest dreams reside, it's those places where we begin to understand that the lessons we have been learning have prepared us for what comes next... And the blessing in what comes next is that it is up to us what exactly next will be. 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that whatever chapter your story is in you have faith that whatever comes next God has already read it and is waiting for you to believe in yourself enough to write it. 

Have a blessed weekend! 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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