Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Daily BITUB- “Get it together!”

It's one thing to pull it together. You've heard it before in all kind of variations. You've said it to yourself. You've heard other people tell you... Get your act together. Pull yourself together. Get it together. Yes we've all been in that moment where we felt like it was all falling apart. We were trying to hold it, but we simply couldn't. Now what? Well now we pick up the pieces. Eventually we can and will get it together. That actually is the easy part. We can go through the motions. We can "fake it until we make it", but holding it together after we've lost it is just hard. Now you've had that feeling that you've lost it before. You know that it can happen. You have doubts, fears, thoughts of that adversity, and the thoughts of what if it happens again. Thing is it can, it may very well happen again, but you are stronger. You've experienced what it felt like. You know that you can pull it all back. We often focus ourselves on all that negative energy. We focus on the bad and then we miss the good. We miss the lessons. We miss the fact that we are still here pushing ourselves. That's not faking it, that's making it! That's understanding that doubt, fear, adversity aren't the byproducts of what happened. Perseverance, determination, and faith are! There is perspective in everything and we control it. We are the navigators to the blessings that God has already laid out before us. So, if your feeling like you need to get it together, pay close attention because chances are you are more together than you realize. 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you find the strength to do what you are capable of doing. You can, you have, and you are holding it together and through prayer, faith, and God's strength you will continue to.

Have a blessed day. 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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