Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Daily BITUB- “Why expect it?”

Why do we expect it? Why do we feel like we are entitled to things? We've all done it, felt it, wanted it. Honestly we get so caught up in it sometimes we stop pushing ourselves. We even start thinking others should know exactly what we feel, want and need that we forget there are times we don't even know. We are all guilty of those assumptions. Those situations where we make a determination that we know what's best, when in actuality we haven't even taken the time to know, understand and familiarize ourselves with a person, place, or situation. It makes a difference. Think about it as you go about your day. If we all gave each other that extra moment of time to understand a little better about our influences, inspirations and motivation wouldn't we be better for it? Wouldn't we truly see who we are surrounding ourselves with? Wouldn't we get a better picture of who we are? Maybe our feeling of entitlement is changed to feelings of determination, confidence, passion. Maybe our expectations change, and the path to our goals and dreams suddenly have us all surrounded by blessings where we are all willing to help each other along the way.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you pause and reflect with God about where you are, where you are going, and why you want to be there. 

Have a blessed day.


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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