Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Daily BITUB- “Work in Progress”

One of my favorite BITUB quotes is "I understand things I never thought I would and see things I never thought I could." Often as I reread things I've written my experiences create new meanings. Such was the case yesterday. As I was reading I realized I had highlighted almost every page in this book. I thought, now what? Often times we work hard to learn something, but then we do nothing with it. I'm guilty of it time and time again. I have read so many books about leadership and development, but all the highlighting and notes are nothing without action. It is in the use of that knowledge that helps us develop a better understanding of it. Lessons, experiences, and growth come from actionable things we create and implement. It opens up more opportunities to try, to fail, to succeed, to develop. I continue to be a work in progress. By identifying myself that way I am able to be more accountable to do the things I have committed myself to doing. I can truly look at what it means to be better, to be open minded, to challenge myself. In that, I realized my knowledge base was limited by my inability to explore beyond the text in those books. Take a closer look at yourself. You know more than you give yourself credit. Throwing yourself into situations, problems, adversity, and challenges those words start to take on a new meaning. You start to see where the learning you have done truly can become tangible and intentional actions, and you will realize that you are better equipped to handle more of what comes your way. You may just start to understand things you never thought you would, and see things you never thought you could.

Believe In The Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you allow yourself to open your eyes long enough to see that you are capable of doing whatever you allow yourself to believe you can. 

Have a blessed, safe, and healthy day everyone.


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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