Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Daily BITUB- “Your Story”

What if you heard your story today? What would it be like if someone asked you to tell it to them? Is it something you even would want to share? Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. You can tell any story you want to tell. You control that. Your story is happening right now. It's unfolding more and more every day. It's been going on since the day you were born. Choice after choice. Decision after decision. Every turn of life, every person you have met, every place you have been is all a part of it. We are creating it as we go. While God has a plan for us it is merely the outline to the story. He expects us to live it and fill in the details. We are the ones to play it out, and it's our responsibility to do just that. Every chapter of life creates us and everything we do matters. So, what has your story been like? More importantly what's it going to be like as you begin the next chapter of your life? How are you going to finish it?  So, when you hear your story what will you hear?  A story of success, a story of repair, a love story, a fairy tale, a story of resilience and perseverance? A story of how you chased and lived your dreams? A story of how your faith carried you? A story of how hope lit the path and you followed it? A story about how you received this beautiful gift of life from God and you lived it? You lived it every day with all you were, and that plan that God had for you... Well you are happy to tell that story, as it was exactly the one you were hoping for. 

Believe In The Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you take the moments life gives you and embrace the possibilities in them. We are blessed to have another day, let's make our moments matter. 

Have a blessed, safe, and healthy day everyone.


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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