Friday, August 29, 2014

Daily BITUB- "Cycle"

You did all the things you were supposed to do... So why didn't it work out?  Why are you caught in this cycle where you can't move forward?  Why you?  Why now?  What next? How did you end up back at square one?    
You tell me?  Do you believe that you are back where you started?
Thing is you are not at square one.  In fact, you aren't even in the same cycle and you certainly are not back where you started.  You aren't even the same person you were when this began.  You have learned through experience things you didn't know before.  You have seen what it is like to face the adversity and you are stronger, wiser and better for it.  You know that you can persevere… Here you are standing on your foundation of faith ready to go again!  Why you?   Because God knows you can handle it!  You have before and you will again!  Why now?  Because it is time!  This is your time to reach inside and find that passion that started you moving forward in the first place!  What next?  The possibilities are up to you!  You are ready, blessed and God is with you! Take a look around...  You may recognize the scenery, but I assure you it won't recognize you! 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed weekend!

"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23

Little Boy, Big Dreams store: NEW DESIGN!  NEW DESIGN! "God's Beautiful Gift of Life" NOW AVAILABLE!
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Thursday, August 28, 2014

Daily BITUB- "Climbing Mountains"

Why are you climbing THIS mountain?  We often get so caught up in reaching the top we forget why we decided to start the journey in the first place.  I've been there.  I can recall many instances when my pride took over the climb.  People said I couldn't so I was determined to show them I could.  The challenge was laid out so I took it on and got to a point where stopping wasn't even an option.  The push became the purpose rather than the destination.  Then what?  What happens when you reach that peak?  Often we start our decent down the other side.  We don't stop to enjoy the beauty of the view.  We don't look at the experience or appreciate the blessing of the accomplishment… Or worse you look back at the path of people you may have used, hurt or simply overlooked along the way.  You forget who helped you, the sacrifices that were made and all the things you held close when you stepped up to the mountain in the first place.  I say it often... We don't climb mountains because we have to.  We climb them because we can.   Just remember why your climbing, if it still matters to you, who held and pulled you up, who you can reach out to pull them up with you...  And most of all remember to cherish the experience, to be blessed at those peaks and to thank God for always giving you the opportunity to climb.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day!

"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23

Little Boy, Big Dreams store: NEW DESIGN!  NEW DESIGN! "God's Beautiful Gift of Life" NOW AVAILABLE!
Believe in the Unbelievable Page
Little Boy, Big Dreams LLC Page

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Daily BITUB- "The Path"

From a recent email:  "There is no way I'm supposed to be on this road! How did I get here and how do I get off it?"

Do you ever wonder what would have happened if you had just chose the other thing in that one moment?  Sure you have… You might be thinking that now.  You may be reflecting on the possibilities of what could have been if you had just taken a different path.  I use to do that a lot.  I used to sit and think I should have, could have and would have, but reality is I didn't.  The tendency is to want to turn back the clock, but what we often miss is what came out of those decisions we once made.  Look around you… The people in your life you may have never met.  The experiences that you may have never had.  The lessons that you may have never learned.  The good that exists, the blessings that surround you and the light in the dark.  Thing is our choices are what make us.  Our ability to own our decisions, good or bad, are what build our foundation and then allow us to grow from it.  Looking back at what "if" is going to happen, but realizing the importance of what "now" creates the vision for things to come.  It brings clarity to the moment, and in that clarity what we begin to see is that God has us walking a path we were supposed to be on.  

The direction we get to go now...  Well that's the beauty of it.  Where do you want to go?  The choice has, is and will always be yours.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day!

"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23

Little Boy, Big Dreams store: NEW DESIGN!  NEW DESIGN! "God's Beautiful Gift of Life" NOW AVAILABLE!
Believe in the Unbelievable Page
Little Boy, Big Dreams LLC Page

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Daily BITUB- "Goals"

Where are you headed?  What's next for you?  Where's your heart leading you?  Now is a perfect time to take an opportunity to create a goal.  A goal that matters to you.  A goal you will hold yourself accountable to reaching... One that you will push to exceed!  It starts right there in that moment where you decide it is important enough to you that you set the expectation!  It continues when you dedicate time to it and you realize what it will take to achieve it!  Go ahead and raise the bar!  Go ahead and put it of reach so that it stretches your potential! Go ahead and challenge your limitations!  You can reach as far as you are willing to imagine! You can achieve anything!  You can be anything!  Your boundaries are determined by you and only you!  Let all of God's blessings guide you and give you the strength to follow your dreams, to be passionate about your goals and to live life to the fullest!  Remember...  In order to reach your dreams you must first put them in motion.  God will provide the path, but we must be willing to walk it!  

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day!

"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23

Little Boy, Big Dreams store: NEW DESIGN!  NEW DESIGN! "God's Beautiful Gift of Life" NOW AVAILABLE!
Believe in the Unbelievable Page
Little Boy, Big Dreams LLC Page

Monday, August 25, 2014

Daily BITUB- "Failure"

What's failure?  Is it conceding defeat?  Is it accepting that the expectation you had simply wasn't met?  Is it realizing you aren't good enough to reach that next level? What is failure?  Is it letting yourself off the hook?  Is it determining it's easier to say you can't rather than stepping up and pushing yourself?  What is failure?  Is it the opportunity to overcome?  Is it the choice to learn and continue better and wiser?  Is it the chance to say I am going to keep moving forward despite the setbacks?  What is failure?  Is it a blessing that reveals how strong you can be?  Is it the  realization that you are determined to persevere no matter the obstacles that are laid out before you?  Is it the spark you needed to ignite your passion to reach beyond expectations?  What is failure?  Honestly it is completely up to you isn't it?  It's all in your perspective!  You will determine the impact of a shortfall.  You will determine what you will do with it.  You will determine what your next steps will be.  You will determine what you will take from the moment and use to strengthen your foundation.  You will determine if you will use it as a catalyst for leaping faithfully higher every chance you get!

What is failure?  

For me... It is the blessing in opportunity to achieve something we haven't before and the beautiful possibility in doing it better than we ever have.  

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed week!

"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23

Little Boy, Big Dreams store: NEW DESIGN!  NEW DESIGN! "God's Beautiful Gift of Life" NOW AVAILABLE!
Believe in the Unbelievable Page
Little Boy, Big Dreams LLC Page

Friday, August 22, 2014

Daily BITUB- "Celebrate"

What are you celebrating today?  A birthday, an event at work, a big success… How about LIFE?  How about the beauty in living it?  Everyday can be a celebration can't it?  We can celebrate our ability to have a day, to influence others in a positive way, to make a difference in someone's life, to be the comfort to a friend, the helping hand to those in need, the smile for someone who is down, the voice of reason for someone needing to hear it!  There are so many things to give thanks for, to share and to behold that give us reason to celebrate.  I know that as you look around there are constantly things that can bring you down.  There are always challenges, always something bad that we can see on the news… It's the reality of life and living it.  Yet, we sometimes forget about those great things as the bad things are usually what get pushed our way.  I am guilty… I don't overlook it and sometimes it simply makes me bow my head and pray for someone, for myself, for a situation to find the light in the darkness.  Then God reminds me that there is always something good.  Always something beautiful. Always something that resonates beyond the bad.  Always a blessing to hold on to.  Always something to celebrate.  

So, I'll ask you again... What are YOU celebrating today?

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed weekend!

"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23

Little Boy, Big Dreams store: NEW DESIGN!  NEW DESIGN! "God's Beautiful Gift of Life" NOW AVAILABLE!
Believe in the Unbelievable Page
Little Boy, Big Dreams LLC Page

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Daily BITUB- "Where are you?"

From a recent email:  "I am tired of people with so much drama.  I am dealing with the same things and I'm fine.  What can I do?"

It isn't so much what your story is, but where you are in that story.  There may come that moment when you and someone else are in the same situation, but chances are you are not feeling the same emotions.  I get it, but different things matter to different people, and experiences can influence just how much it matters.  You can't ever assume that you understand what someone is feeling even if you are in the same circumstance right now.  After all your beginning may be their middle.  They may have fought their way just to get here.  They may be weary from the fight and wondering if they can continue to fight.  Think about it… Think about your place in those situations and you begin to realize just how much of an influence you may be.  Think about how you approach it, what support you offer, your attitude.  Maybe God put you here for them.  Maybe they simply need to hold themselves up on your faith and your strength while they work on restoring theirs.  As you go through your day realize everyone has a story.  Where they are in that story only they and God know... And chances are somewhere along the way when you reach your middle God will be ready to place that someone right there to hold you up.   

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day!

"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23

Little Boy, Big Dreams store: NEW DESIGN!  NEW DESIGN! "God's Beautiful Gift of Life" NOW AVAILABLE!
Believe in the Unbelievable Page
Little Boy, Big Dreams LLC Page

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Daily BITUB- "The First Step"

That first step is hard!  

It's not the doubt that holds us back.  It's not the fear that stops us from trying.  It's not the adversity that is inevitable that delays our progress.  It's not the negative that is around us.  It's not the naysayers that are constantly in our ear.  It's not the challenges that push us to our limits.  It's not the valleys that we must stand in at times.  It's not the lack of faith in God and His path.  It's not that we don't believe we can or we should.
Come to think of it… There is absolutely no reason not to do the things we know we can.  There isn't anyone who hasn't at some time overcome and surpassed a limitation.  There isn't any set expectation that can't be reset.  Sometimes there is no explanation.
It is simply that we have so many times before talked ourselves out of the possibilities that we overlook the opportunities.  We build walls that tunnel our vision into thinking we are not capable or worse we aren't able to earn the right to chase our dream.  It isn't easy to do, but the strength is there.  The support is there!  The memories of past achievements are there!  Everything you need will be there!  

Brace yourself.

Take a deep breath.

Take God's hand...  And step!

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day! 

"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23

Little Boy, Big Dreams store: NEW DESIGN!  NEW DESIGN! "God's Beautiful Gift of Life" NOW AVAILABLE!
Believe in the Unbelievable Page
Little Boy, Big Dreams LLC Page

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Daily BITUB- "Speak Up!"

God gave us all a voice!  He gave us the ability to influence the outcome of our lives!  You are going to make a difference even in those moments you think you won't.  I hear people say daily they don't matter... Their opinion isn't heard... That nobody cares what they think.  I assure you somebody does care!  Somebody is listening!  Keep speaking up!  Keep shouting your message from the rooftops!  Keep standing your ground and sharing your views!  Allow yourself to be heard!  Share what matters to you and why it matters!  Tell others about your experiences!  Allow others to know the things that motivate you!  Share your inspirations, goals, ideas and values!  Sometimes the difference you make is subtle.  Sometimes it makes a huge difference in how someone approaches life and how they are living it.  Sometimes your influence won't manifest for years to come.  Sometimes you may not even realize the impact you have on someone.  You are a beautiful child of God filled with blessings!  Be your blessings and realize just how many people are using your thoughts, your faith, your dreams, your determination to help guide them!  There are people in your life motivated by you and it's your ability to speak up that may just help them to find that voice inside they have been searching for!

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day!

"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23

Little Boy, Big Dreams store: NEW DESIGN!  NEW DESIGN! "God's Beautiful Gift of Life" NOW AVAILABLE!
Believe in the Unbelievable Page
Little Boy, Big Dreams LLC Page

Monday, August 18, 2014

Daily BITUB- "Dreams"

Every single dream deserves a chance...  How much of a chance depends on you!  From the moment it entered your mind it became a vision and you are the only one who can truly see the scope of that vision!  You are the only one who can push the limits of your imagination and face the adversity between here and making that dream a reality!  You must be willing to put your dreams in motion.  Along the way things will happen... Yes there will be hardships.  Yes there will be moments of fear, anxiety, confusion...  Yes there will be moments of doubt of whether or not you should even continue.  Along that same path...  Yes there will be support!  Yes there will be blessings!  Yes there will be moments of overcoming obstacles! Yes there will be moments of strength, clarity, beauty...  Yes there will be moments where faith is all you have and God will be all you need!  Yes there will be moments where you can't imagine not continuing!  

Your dreams matter!  From the moment of thought, to the ones you are living, to the ones you are pursuing, to the ones you have yet to dream.  

Your dreams matter...  So what dream will you be living for today?

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed week! 

"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23

Little Boy, Big Dreams store: NEW DESIGN!  NEW DESIGN! "God's Beautiful Gift of Life" NOW AVAILABLE!
Believe in the Unbelievable Page
Little Boy, Big Dreams LLC Page

Friday, August 15, 2014

Daily BITUB- "Let's Go!"

If you believe in something enough then share that belief with others!  If it matters enough then fight for it!  If you love someone tell them!  If you need someone then let them know.  If you want to reach out to someone then reach out today.  If you miss someone who has passed then talk to them...  They hear you.  If you want to live your dreams then pursue them.  If you want to travel beyond limitations then stop setting them!  If you want to be an influence then be a positive one.  If you want to be heard then speak up!  If you want others to value your thoughts then value theirs.  If you want your kids to admire good role models then be their first.  If you have a story to tell then tell it...  You may just be the inspiration someone is looking for.  

Realize everything is possible through God... But it begins by making the choice to put in whatever we must to achieve it.  He provides the path, but we must walk it!  It starts with us!  It starts with conviction in who we are and determination to strive to be what we know we can be.  It is step by step, day after day knowing we are blessed to choose the life we want to live.  It is taking God's hand and allowing Him to lead us where we should go and trusting and believing we can go there. 

"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


Where are you headed?  If you are ready then today is as good a day as any to begin!  Let's go! 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed weekend. 


Little Boy, Big Dreams store: NEW DESIGN!  NEW DESIGN! "God's Beautiful Gift of Life" NOW AVAILABLE!
Believe in the Unbelievable Page
Little Boy, Big Dreams LLC Page

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Daily BITUB- "Focus!"

Yesterday I was trying to read some scribbling I had written on a piece of paper from the previous week.  I couldn't make it out because, well, I have horrible handwriting.  I laughed as I did my best to decipher the thoughts I had written down, but while I could make out words and even sentences I couldn't determine the complete direction I was going.  I sat back in my chair and tried to piece together the moment I wrote it.  What had happened?  What else was I doing that sparked a thought worthy of being written?  Who was I thinking of?  Why was I thinking of them?  I got frustrated because I simply didn't have any clue what was on that paper!  

Right before I was going to throw it out one word caught my eye.  Then I started to piece together the rest of it.  I was able to make out the words, sentences and before I knew it I was remembering exactly what I was writing about. 

Sometimes we overlook what matters most.  When we are lost, confused, wondering, questioning...  We just need to focus.  Truth is we often forget that's all we need to get back on the path, to get grounded and to push forward.  Often we forget that at the very center of it all, right where He always is...  God!  When all else fails focusing on Him is always going to be a good place to begin... And chances are you will find from there everything else has a way of coming together exactly as it should. 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day!

"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23

Little Boy, Big Dreams store: NEW DESIGN!  NEW DESIGN! "God's Beautiful Gift of Life" NOW AVAILABLE!
Believe in the Unbelievable Page
Little Boy, Big Dreams LLC Page

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Daily BITUB- "Motivation"

What is your motivation?  There is a fascinating thing that happens when we find it.  We may find it within our job, friends, family, children or even within ourselves... Regardless of where it comes from once that spark lights the fire within we begin to find a different gear inside us that takes us to that next level.  We see things clearer and we start to imagine the possibilities of the outcomes.  Doors open, decisions come easier and our conviction in what we do is obvious in our call to action.  We find strength in our challenges and challengers and we find that our doubt is easily overcome by our desire to achieve!  We are relentless in pursuit of our goals!  We know that it will be necessary to call upon our faith, and it will be our faith in God and His blessings that will carry us those last few mountains when we need it most!  Remember those feelings!  Remember those motivated moments that you have already experienced!  Remember how you pushed the boundaries of who you were and created a higher expectation of who you could be!  

Remember...  And ask yourself right here and now...

What will my motivation be today?

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day! 

"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23

Little Boy, Big Dreams store: NEW DESIGN!  NEW DESIGN! "God's Beautiful Gift of Life" NOW AVAILABLE!
Believe in the Unbelievable Page
Little Boy, Big Dreams LLC Page

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Daily BITUB- "The Unexpected"

You have to expect the unexpected.  You simply never know when something will pop up that will challenge you.  Adversity doesn't come when we are ready...  It comes when it's ready!  While everyone talks about change being constant, I've often said that the constant in our lives can and should be us.  How we react, our perceptions, attitude, fortitude and our ability to see the blessings in each moment God presents us with is a constant we can and should count on.  That's what having faith is all about!  It truly is believing when it seems impossible to believe.  It's giving ourselves a fighting chance by actually trusting in God's plan so that we can fight!  It's knowing that while the unexpected can and will occur it will find us standing on familiar ground.  Standing on our foundation of faith strong, resilient, relentless!  Ready and willing with God and the many blessings He will provide each and every step of the way... 

And that is something we can always expect.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day!

"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23

Little Boy, Big Dreams store: NEW DESIGN!  NEW DESIGN! "God's Beautiful Gift of Life" NOW AVAILABLE!
Believe in the Unbelievable Page
Little Boy, Big Dreams LLC Page

Monday, August 11, 2014

Daily BITUB- "Not According to Plan"

I received an email this weekend with the subject line "Everything that can go wrong just always does!"

Let's face it...  Life can be complicated.  We all have had those days that from the moment we got up to the time we laid down it was one thing after another.  Thing is the best made plans can be in disarray by the slightest change in our schedule.  Try as we might somethings and some people just don't seem to follow the plan we put together!  Sometimes it's subtle where we are able to carry on and sometimes it is life changing where we are blind sided and left wondering what comes next.  Honestly what comes next is going to be up to you.  Sometimes it won't be easy.  Other times it will take all you are to get up and to move forward.  There will even be those times you will question if you even should.  The answer is YES...  But that comes from you and your ability to realize that you can!  You must find that faith that allows you to see the journey for the possibilities of what is yet to come.  You must give yourself strength through leaning on prayer and those that support you.  You must be honest with yourself that things will go wrong and that things may not go as planned... But that shouldn't ever stop you from continuing to focus on what matters most by trusting that God's plan for you is going exactly as it should be. 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed week!

"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23

Little Boy, Big Dreams store: NEW DESIGN!  NEW DESIGN! "God's Beautiful Gift of Life" NOW AVAILABLE!
Believe in the Unbelievable Page
Little Boy, Big Dreams LLC Page

Friday, August 8, 2014

Daily BITUB- "Finding The Importance"

Everything becomes important that moment we deem it important.  Think about what you put your energy in each and everyday.  Are you wasting it on negative things and negative people?  Are you putting it into things that don't inspire you or motivate you?  Why would you do that?  How about putting it in goals you set for yourself?  How about finally chasing those dreams you have been thinking about all your life?  Prioritizing life doesn't mean you abandon the responsibilities that exist in your day to day routine... No in fact it is understanding what drives you and what matters most to you.  It's finding focus within the day to know that each thing you must do is all a part of providing the opportunities for those things you want to do.  It's finding the blessings in a job, in a task, in friendship, in the busy of the day and the quiet of a break...  It's seeing the sunrise and realizing the potential of the day and experiencing the sunset and feeling the accomplishment of a day completed.  It's taking hold of God's gift of life and living it!  Living it by placing your energy where you know it should be...  And aligning what is important with the very things that give you that energy to live in the first place.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed weekend!

"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23

Little Boy, Big Dreams store: NEW DESIGN!  NEW DESIGN! "God's Beautiful Gift of Life" NOW AVAILABLE!
Believe in the Unbelievable Page
Little Boy, Big Dreams LLC Page

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Daily BITUB- "Reflections"

There are quiet moments of reflection scattered throughout our busy days.  What is in those moments?  Who is in those moments?  Today my reflection was about last year around this time.  I remember sitting in my office in GA thinking about what was most important to me.  Thinking about how I had forgotten why I did the things I did.  The moves from state to state, the late nights, the early mornings...  I remember missing my family in Texas.  I remember being sad that my grandmother had passed, that I lost two cousins and that I had actually not traveled home enough to see them.  I was so busy trying to create a life I had forgotten how to live.  I remember thinking that I felt lost in a place I had always felt so stable and content.  

I remember feeling that all I could do was pray for God to take over and do what He needed me to do. 

A year later my reflection on all that is not at all about regret.  No my reflections today are about a sense of comfort.  About the beauty of answered prayers.  About allowing God's plan to unfold as He sees fit even when we don't understand why things are happening.  About truly giving life to God knowing He will provide the things you need throughout the journey.  My reflection is upon the last few months where I find myself reenergized by life and all it has to offer. The same blessings of family and friends surround me, but the difference is my ability to allow myself to appreciate and take them all in.  While the future has many paths, if you aren't traveling it with God, with your foundation of faith and with belief that through God all is possible...  Then chances are you may be reflecting on what "if" rather than the beauty of the lessons in what has been and all the wonderful possibilities of what can and will be.  

Live life!  Dream big... And as always Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU!

Have a blessed day!


Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Daily BITUB- "Blessings in disguise?"

Whose blessings are you counting?  How often do you find yourself thinking about what it would be like to have "that" instead of "this"?  Standing in awe of others looking at things they have, do...  We allow it to cloud the blessings we have.  I've said it often that focusing on what we don't have simply clouds what we do.  It is blinding to the blessings that God provides to fill our lives.  Right here where we stand is often a dream we once had.  Finding the appreciation in that often can open our eyes to all the beauty that led to this moment. God's gifts of family, friends... The support, lessons, experiences... All of the blessings that gave us the faith and the foundation to reach here.  Not all blessings are in disguise. Some are right there in front of us.  We simply have to allow ourselves to see them... And you would be surprised how many people right now are standing looking in awe at all all the blessings surrounding you.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day!

"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23

Little Boy, Big Dreams store: NEW DESIGN!  NEW DESIGN! "God's Beautiful Gift of Life" NOW AVAILABLE!
Believe in the Unbelievable Page
Little Boy, Big Dreams LLC Page

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Daily BITUB- "Trust Your Instincts"

God intends for us to learn, grow and experience our path, but He also intends for us to make decisions along the way with Him in mind.  Listen to your instincts.  If it doesn't feel right it probably isn't.  Those instincts deep within that guide you are filled with the values, morals and experiences that have educated you and that continue to help you grow.  If you are confused, lost or wondering what comes next pray for the guidance and the strength to move forward.  Pray and remember the things already in your life that have helped you before.  You have faith... Faith that allows you to leap and pursue your dreams against all odds at times.  You have the support of those that love you and the comfort that only they can bring.  You have the beauty of the blessings that have been by your side, that have surrounded you, backed you and pulled you whenever you needed it most.  Remember that everyday is another beautiful opportunity to experience all life has to offer...  The peaks, valleys, the joy and the pain.  All of it gets to matter as much as we allow it to matter...  And those instincts within should always tell you that wherever you are going God is already there. 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day!

"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23

Little Boy, Big Dreams store: NEW DESIGN!  NEW DESIGN! "God's Beautiful Gift of Life" NOW AVAILABLE!
Believe in the Unbelievable Page
Little Boy, Big Dreams LLC Page

Monday, August 4, 2014

Daily BITUB- "Appreciate The Moment"

We don't always appreciate a moment within the moment.  Try as we might there are times when we miss the significance of an event.  Sometimes it's so subtle we may not even realize it for years to come... And sometimes we don't realize how it impacted us until it becomes necessary to draw strength from it.  Think about the values your parents instilled in you through the lessons they shared with you... It takes years sometimes to appreciate those lessons. Think about the chance meeting of someone who is now one of the most cherished friends you have.  Think about the stories of grandparents and how they gave you an appreciation of life and more importantly challenged you to live!  Think about the moments that became memories...  Memories you think about when you need to smile, need to push harder, need to remember who and why you are who you are.  God presents us with so much.  He provides so many opportunities throughout the day to realize our blessings.  He gives us moment after moment to be grateful for all that surrounds us.  We don't always appreciate a moment within the moment...  But today slow down just a little and think about what you may be missing.  Chances are you will begin to see that the blessings that surround you are made up of all those moments you remember most.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed week!

"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23

Little Boy, Big Dreams store: NEW DESIGN!  NEW DESIGN! "God's Beautiful Gift of Life" NOW AVAILABLE!
Believe in the Unbelievable Page
Little Boy, Big Dreams LLC Page

Friday, August 1, 2014

Daily BITUB- "Where are you going?"

I had a conversation with a student recently who told me he didn't really know what he wanted to do.  He felt the pressure to decide and was afraid it would be the wrong decision.  Funny how that works isn't it?  We push ourselves to make a decision for the sake of deciding before we are able to commit to what it will take to succeed.  The result often is not a reflection of our best efforts. When you find that passion within you to chase YOUR dream you will know it.  The obstacles won't matter.  The setbacks will give you strength.  You will find solutions to the challenges and the naysayers will simply fuel the fire.  It isn't about always knowing what you want, but knowing who you are, and that sets the foundation to accomplish anything you want to be.  I remember when I was a senior I was having trouble knowing the path I wanted to take.  I felt like I was always goal oriented, but this time I couldn't find the direction I needed.  Years before in 8th grade Sister Carita, our principal at St. Mary's, told me that one day you'll find a place where nothing makes sense.  She said you don't need to know exactly what path to take you just need to believe you can take one and God will travel with you.  I've remembered that advice often throughout my life and I have been blessed to share it many times along the way.  So, yes... You may not know where you are going... Just believe you can go, Believe in the Unbelievable that is You and believe God will take you to where you need to be exactly at the moment you will need to be there. 

Have a blessed weekend everyone! 

"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23

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