Friday, May 29, 2015

Daily BITUB- "Achievement"

I can't always remember the achievement, but what I will never forget is the effort it took to get there.  In all honesty what I remember most is the stumbles along the way.  The times I did my best only to be beat by someone or something.  The times I tried harder than I ever had and still fell short of my goal.  I remember the feeling and more importantly the experience and the lesson given to me.  I can recall the wrong turns and the tested faith. I even remember how I assured myself I would do it different next time only to do it the same over and over... Yet that final "next time" is what truly mattered.  I remember gaining perspective, as I often thought I could do it alone, when I finally allowed myself to realize that I didn't have to.  Life's journey is filled with achievements.  God gives us those moments and what we choose to remember is truly up to us.  Though as we strive to achieve we must do our best to take what we can from those experiences as they help define us, create our character, develop our strength and allow us to grow in faith... And for me those will always be the achievements worth remembering.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed weekend!


"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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Thursday, May 28, 2015

Daily BITUB- "What's your list?"

Respect, honesty, faith, trust, understanding, determination, commitment, love... The list can and should go on and on.  These aren't things we turn off and on.  No, these are traits embedded within the blessings God gives us to help us reach our potential and sustain our growth. These are keys to our strength, our foundation, our comfort, our hope... Qualities that give us clarity when we can't see, direction when we are lost, protection when we feel we are under attack and empower us to stand our ground, shout out our dreams and live our lives!  These are the values that help us reach beyond our limits!  These are our testimonials of belief in who we are and who we strive to be!  These are promises to those that matter most to us that we will do it with them not at the expense of them... And these are promises to ourselves to do all we can to appreciate our blessings from God by living up to the potential of those blessings each and everyday!  

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day! 


"Believe in yourself...  All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Daily BITUB- "Focus on Faith"

Life isn't always going to be easy.  In fact there will be times that you are completely frustrated with it and you can't seem to get a grip.  Things are coming faster than you can deal with, and you don't know how you will deal anyway even if you could get to it all.  There is that moment when you may get the urge to throw your hands up and abandon what you know you need, you know you want, you know you are capable of achieving. Sometimes though we forget our strength and what we have faced and overcome before.  We don't remember that this isn't the first time we had this feeling of doubt... So we also forget the feeling we had when we pushed ourselves beyond what we thought at that time was our limit.  Focus on those moments.  Focus on those blessings.  Focus on God and your faith!   You'll remember those times when life felt like it couldn't get any worse... And then you'll remember that's exactly the times you were at your best!

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day!


"Believe in yourself...  All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Daily BITUB- "Lessons"

Growing up I made a lot of mistakes... Big ones that could have changed the course of my life.  Thing is as I think about it... They did.  They changed everything!  They helped me understand how much support existed in my life.  How much God was there with blessing after blessing.  How many of those blessings believed in me even when I didn't... And more importantly when I couldn't.  It was never easy to accept responsibility for my actions, but once I did I understood I could begin to be responsible for what came next.  The lessons did change the course of my life.  They made me better, wiser and helped me realize that faith exists even when we don't have it.  It exists in others as they hold us up, guide us and hold on to the good that exists in us and in life until that moment when we are ready to once again hold it ourselves.  As you face today take each lesson as it comes.  Be willing to be there for those that are in the midst of their lessons, and remember we don't have to put ourselves in anyone's shoes... We just have to be willing to all put ourselves in God's hands.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day!


"Believe in yourself...  All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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Monday, May 25, 2015

Daily BITUB- "Memorial Day"

"While only one day of the year is dedicated solely to honoring our veterans, we must never forget the sacrifices that many of our fellow countrymen have made to defend our country and protect our freedoms:" - Randy Neugebauer

While there are no words that can truly articulate the gratitude one feels knowing the legacy of what others have done so that we may have our freedoms... I will just say "Thank you" to all those who made the ultimate sacrifice & to their families so that we can live this life of freedom.  So that we can have choices. So that we can be anything and everything we choose to be. We can all honor them by appreciating life, doing all we can to live it and being willing to do our best to leave a legacy of our own.   Prayers, thoughts, gratitude... Today and everyday! 

Believing in the Unbelievable moments that our soldiers have provided us the opportunities to have this Memorial Day.  

Have a blessed day. 


Friday, May 22, 2015

Daily BITUB- "Count Your Blessings!"

While we couldn't ever count all our blessings there are some that simply are part of why and who we are.  If you take a moment just to bask in that thought you will realize whatever is going on in your life those blessings can provide comfort if just for a moment.  You already know what/who they are, and chances are you have already called upon some of them today.  It's those blessings that transcend anything else in life.  The ones that simply are always there for us... Unconditionally.  The ones that refuse to let us fail, give up, give in or fight alone.  The blessings that are true reflections of God's love for us.  From the subtle laughter or our children, the smile from your husband/wife, the call from a friend, the memories of grandma and grandpa's house, the comfort of home, the shoulder you cry on, our parent's love and lessons, the pet that lets you know how important you are, the sunrise that reminds us it is a new day... To the biggest of blessings that let us know God not only hears, but is answering our prayers when He knows we need them most.  The blessings that create the foundation of faith that allows us to stand strong, to build our dreams, to live our lives and to Believe in the Unbelievable moments that God gives us today and everyday.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed weekend.


"Believe in yourself...  All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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Thursday, May 21, 2015

Daily BITUB- "You have today!"

It's important to have goals... Crucial to reaching them is being able to plan for things.  Sometimes though we get sidetracked or end up in a direction we aren't quite sure how we did.  It happens.  Truth is maybe you don't have a 5 year plan.  Maybe you don't even know what tomorrow looks like because you are not sure how you even got here.  You have something though... You have today!  You have the ability to know exactly what you want and need to do today!  You get to choose to wake up ready to face it... You prayed for strength to persevere through the challenges and you are grounded upon the foundation you have worked to create!  You have today!  Your plan is simple-FAITH! Faith in what God has in store for you!  Faith in all the leaps you have taken and will take.  Faith in the beauty of today!  Faith in your ability to influence tomorrow!  You have today!  Everyday will matter, but not as much as right now... This moment you are in, this place, the people in your life!  Trust in who you are, why you are, in the beauty of God's gift that is life, and go ahead and live.  To me, that sounds like a great plan.  A great plan for today.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day!


"Believe in yourself...  All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Daily BITUB- "Moments"

Take in your moments.  Remember the impact they made on you and those around you.  The good and bad all have the ability to influence who and why you are.  Let them resonate enough to give you the experience so that you may draw from them the lessons they were intended to provide!  God places us right within that place where He knows we need to be.  It won't always be where we think we should be, but it will always be where faith, hope and love reside.  It will always be where the memories of our most influential moments bring us the strength, the guidance and even the necessary adversity to help us grow!  It will always be where the challenges do nothing more then solidify just how solid our foundation of faith can be!  It will always be where our supporters carry us the most, our dreams are the wildest, our goals are at their highest and our ability to Believe in the Unbelievable moments push us to excel beyond anything that says we can't!  So go ahead take it in and allow those moments to become the starting point to the next part of this magnificent journey! 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day!


"Believe in yourself...  All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Daily BITUB- "Another Day!"

Every day that goes by is just that...  Another day that has gone by. You don't get it back, and some days you may even wish to forget.  Thing is spending time talking about the could have, would have and should have isn't going to get it done is it?  So what are you going to do? Every thing is a part of something, but it is only influenced by our ability to grasp it is the present... To take it and make it matter in the now!  God doesn't wait to make the sunrise until we are ready.  No instead He blesses us with a new day so that ready or not we can find our purpose and realize that life is moving and life is being lived all around us.  Remember, you are the catalyst to your next big adventure, your next big achievement, your next big stepping stone!  You are the one who determines your worth, your value, your goals and dreams! You and only you get to make the choice to sit and talk about what you might have done different yesterday, or you get busy, you focus, you reengage yourself in the blessing of what you will do today!  

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day! 


"Believe in yourself...  All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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Monday, May 18, 2015

Daily BITUB- "Influence"

Have you ever been amazed but the negativity of people?  They complain about everything!  They thrive in finding the bad in people.  They can't seem to get passed things and they are sure to bring it with them wherever they go.  They want to be noticed and they can bring a moment down instantly.  Yes, but it's only when we let them!  Only if we allow them to be noticed!  So let me ask you... How come we overlook those other people?  How come we don't allow ourselves to be amazed by the positive influences?  The ones that are determined to find the good!  The ones we enjoy being around!  Why not allow them to light up the room, to bring joy to the moment... Why not notice them? Truth is we get a choice everyday on the influences we allow in our lives.  We get to be a part of the positive if we want to be.  Now... Ask yourself...  Which one are you?  Which one do you want to be?  Because at the end of the day someone somewhere is allowing you to influence them!  So why not be the light that brings God and His blessings with you wherever you go?  Why not be amazed by the good, the positive and the beauty that is within you!

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed week!


"Believe in yourself...  All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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Friday, May 15, 2015

Daily BITUB- "Growth"

Think about how the same moment can create different reactions from everyone in the room.  Think about how we all can look at the same thing and create a different perspective, have a different emotion and draw different conclusions from it.  Now...  Think about your view of something years ago VS today.  Chances are it probably isn't the same either. As we grow throughout our lives things begin to take on a different meaning.  We see things through eyes of experience, we feel things through a heart that knows more than it did yesterday and we understand what it means to have a priority of need rather then one of want.  That's the beauty of progression and the strength upon which we build off the foundation of faith, love and support we have nurtured over time.  God allows us the beauty of change.  He presents us with the magnificent ability to transcend who we were in pursuit of who we can be.  It's all part of evolving and developing the next level of that foundation where our faith becomes the building block that allows us to reach higher than we ever thought possible.  

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed weekend!


"Believe in yourself...  All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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Thursday, May 14, 2015

Daily BITUB- "The Challenger"

Hearing someone say you won't do it, you can't make it, that's not achievable... 

Oh if everyday we could just have that naysayer, that challenger, that chip to put on our shoulder, that person/thing that tries to derail our progression!  It's motivation!  It's fire inside us!  It's commitment to saying we can, we will, watch me!  It's desire to do all those things "others" say we can't and then doing more!  It's a love for the limitations to be set so we can transcend them! It's purpose... And remember purpose drives passion! Passion to live those dreams, reach those goals, be stronger, better, true to who we are and dedicated to who we can be!  Next time "they" say you can't thank them! Tell them you appreciate their doubt.  Then encourage them to watch you succeed in hopes they find your ability to persevere an inspiration to start their journey!  I've said it before... You want to be the difference, influence tomorrow, live today, change your world and influence the world around you... Then let's go!

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day!


"Believe in yourself...  All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Daily BITUB- "That Point"

Can you determine what your turning point was?  You know the thing that struck you and made you realize that it was time to get up and make a difference!  Not just for you, but for all those in your life that are so much a part of you. Was it a big thing?  Maybe it was a series of subtle things that found you at wits end with not only the situation, but with yourself!  You realized that you could do all the things asked of you, you even knew there was no quit in you... But you weren't satisfied.  It wasn't you!  It wasn't bringing you closer to your dreams and it wasn't helping you grow.  Maybe you are at that point now.  Maybe you long to get there.  Maybe you know it's time, but can't get yourself to do it!  That moment, though, is something you must take in faith!  It is a moment to embrace!  A moment when all your blessings begin to take shape, become clear and you realize that God, as He always has, is holding your hand...  And now is the time to take that leap!

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day!


"Believe in yourself...  All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Daily BITUB- "Dream it up!"

What do you mean you can't dream it up?  You absolutely can dream up anything you want and more importantly you can make it your reality!  Will it be easy?  No! In fact there will be those moments you wonder if you can keep on fighting for it.  Thing is while you can dream it things don't come just because you want them.  It takes hard work, dedication and commitment everyday!  You play a huge role in making things possible and you have to want it!  You have to get yourself right and ready!  You have to pray for strength and give thanks to God for your blessings!  You have to trust your faith when it gets to a point that's all you have!  You have to want it enough to push through those times when it feels like you can't!  You have to want it enough to promise yourself that the harder it gets the more you will do!  Through it all you will come to realize just how important that dream is to you.  You will understand that what you couldn't ever dream up is that feeling when all you went through to reach it teaches you that the real dream is in your ability to achieve it!  Then you will know- You absolutely can dream up anything you want... And it's that moment you realize you are standing right in the middle of a dream you once thought you never would. 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day!  


"Believe in yourself...  All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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Monday, May 11, 2015

Daily BITUB- "Find the Good"

You can always find something to criticize.  You can always find something to challenge, look down on or simply not like.  You can be negative, discouraging and look for anything and everything to throw a shadow on your own happiness.  Funny that we are so capable of those things and how often we do that to ourselves.  Why is that?  Aren't we beautiful children of God?  Don't we have unique qualities that make us extraordinary?  Aren't we gifted and talented in our own ways?  Don't we bring joy to someone somewhere?  Aren't we someone's smile?  Don't we have the foundation of faith that gives us strength beyond limitations and everlasting hope that we can reach our potential?  Shouldn't we nourish that rather then break it down?  Sure we can find anything to criticize today, but how about finding all the good that can exist in this day?  We should always strive to be better, but don't ever doubt the gifts you possess, the spirit of love and faith God grants all of us and the blessing that you are to more people then you will ever know. 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed week.


"Believe in yourself...  All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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Friday, May 8, 2015

Daily BITUB- "The Now!"

Take the time to embrace your present...  Look at your surroundings and pay attention to the details of the moment.  Who is there?  Where is there?  Is it where you want to be?  Are you happy?  Are you spending your days concerned your happiness won't last instead of enjoying the blessing of it this day?  Maybe you aren't satisfied... Maybe you are ready to change that, but as you look forward you can't see it.  Thing is we spend so much time looking ahead or struggling with our past we forget about the impact of our present.  We overlook the things we can and should be doing to sustain our joy or to create the joy we are missing.  You must take inventory of what matters most!  Deal with the things that are weighing you down and cultivate the things that are helping you grow.  We can use the lessons of yesterday while planning for tomorrow, but it's important we realize that reality is in the now and the start to that plan begins with us today.  

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed weekend! 


"Believe in yourself...  All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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Thursday, May 7, 2015

Daily BITUB- "Silver Lining"

There are always silver linings, but sometimes it takes a little perseverance, focus and prayer to be able to see them.  Finding that blessing amongst the storm isn't always going to be easy, but it's there!  You know it's there as you have found those linings in the storms you have endured before.  We forget that sometimes as we focus on the present challenge and forget about all the ones we have already overcome...  But that's just it... We have already overcome so much!  Take those instances and allow yourself to understand that the reality of a situation is all a part of how we will look at it.  There are always going to be different outcomes for moments in our lives, and it's our choice if we allow it to hold us back or propel us forward.  There is such truth in the saying "keep the faith".  We must allow that faith to reassure us that the blessings God has bestowed upon us will provide the silver linings we will need exactly when we need them most.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day.


"Believe in yourself...  All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Daily BITUB- "Face It"

You can't ever really know until you face it... Until you are standing before the moment.  The chance to do and the determination to do it exists at it's greatest in that instance between deciding if you can or you can't.  The pause we experience where we allow ourselves to reflect on experiences past gives us clarity that only our memories can give.  It's our faith, hope and strength that allows us to leap even in doubt.  God's blessings are at their peak as we begin to understand the adversity we have faced, the challenges before us and the realization that God truly does give us only that which we can handle!  This isn't by chance!  We made choices, sacrifices and stood our ground time and time again in preparation for what lies ahead of us today... But you can't really know until you face it.  Until you are standing before the moment. 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day!


"Believe in yourself...  All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Daily BITUB- "A New Day"

It's a new day...

It's another glorious opportunity to pursue your dreams, to create your goals to live beyond limitations!  It's time to face the fear, to challenge the norm, to grow!  It's the day The Lord has made isn't it?  Rejoice by living!  Give thanks by taking your blessings and using them to be better each moment of the day!  Give yourself a chance to be more!  Trust in your abilities, your gifts, your mind, your faith!  Listen to the words of encouragement that surround you!  Let the passion of achieving light the parts of your life that negativity attempts to make dark!  Let yourself go after it with all you are!  Stand strong on the foundation of experience you have created and use it to get a running start to your next leap of faith!  You have been here before and recognize this scenery, but it won't recognize you!  You are wiser, stronger and more determined!  Remember... Focus on your purpose as purpose will always drive your passion!  Take time to thank God for the beautiful journey He gives us!  Take time to appreciate the life you can live! 

Yes it's a new day... Let's make moments to remember! 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day.


"Believe in yourself...  All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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Monday, May 4, 2015

Daily BITUB- "That Place"

Standing in that place.  You know the one...  That one right before the race starts, the one before the big test, the one before hearing the news you've been waiting for, the one before you get to do what you always knew you would have the opportunity to do...  Yeah that place.  Now you get to shine!  Now all those questions of "why me", "why this", "when will it be better" will be answered.  Here you are face to face with the moment you prayed about.   God has blessed you with yet another opportunity.  So now is the time for you to deliver on what you said you would!  To honor the commitments you made to yourself! There is still a lot of work to do.  There are responsibilities that come with these moments, but you know that if you believe and hold on to that faith inside you that the outcome will be exactly the one that will bring you to your next moment...  Where you will get to once again stand in that place.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed week! 


"Believe in yourself...  All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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Friday, May 1, 2015

Daily BITUB- "Give yourself a reason!"

You know sometimes you have to give yourself a reason to succeed!  Beyond all those layers of excuses why we can't we place on ourselves the motivation is there.  It's not easy.  In fact it's extremely hard sometimes to overcome things in order to keep moving forward. I've found myself many times standing in place wondering how to go on.  I've found myself traveling down a long hard path only to realize I was walking in a circle and I ended up right back where I started.  We all get caught up, tripped up, even completely sidetracked, but the path is there once we allow ourselves the focus necessary to see it.  So what are you going to do?  You may have to dig deeper than you ever have!  You may have to push harder than you ever thought you could!  You may have to demand more of yourself... More than you ever deemed possible.  You may need to look past limitations, past doubts, beyond those things and people that say you can't!   You may just need to pray for the guidance you need.  Yes, you may just have to do all those things, and  while God may provide us the direction it will still be up to us to take the first step.  Which brings us back to...  YOU have to give yourself a reason to succeed!  Think about it...  Chances are you already know exactly what that reason needs to be.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed weekend! 


"Believe in yourself...  All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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