Friday, June 29, 2018

Daily BITUB- “Happily Ever After”

You willing to fight for your happily ever after? Remember it's not what we deserve it's what we are willing to earn. It's being open to the possibility that beyond the obstacles is the beauty we seek. There comes the time when all your experience will come into play. The happy, sad, the absolutes, the confusion, the hurt, the joy. All of it will be part of living! Life is a series of tests, of opportunities, of moments. So, what do you do with those? It's a choice! Nobody gets to make that choice but you. Nobody influences the outcome of how your life will go more than you. The limitations are surmountable if you truly put your trust on the faith you have leaned on for so long. Your dedication and commitment to those dreams and yourself matter as much as you allow it to matter. You want it  right? Then get your dreams, focus on your faith, trust in God's plan for you, and let's go get that happily ever after!

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed weekend! 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





Believe in the Unbelievable Page

Little Boy, Big Dreams LLC Page 

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Daily BITUB- “The Good”

Yesterday someone said to me they were waiting for something bad to happen. I asked why? They responded, "Well things are too good."  I asked them to read a recent post I had written that was exactly about this, but as I sat there last night thinking about it I realized once again how much that feeling is a common occurrence. We work so hard, we face so much, we push ourselves to get to those happy moments and when we are there instead of loving, living and appreciating it we think of the impending bad that could happen. While it isn't always going to be great times the focus needs to be on the good, the great, and the blessings that are happening now!  I won't say there will be no more hard times, I can't say it will be easy, but I can honestly say worrying about them before they arrive isn't going to keep them from happening. Wherever you are today I can assure you there is a blessing from God. There is a person, a place, an event, a success story, a milestone, a benchmark, a dream! There is something good in your life! Put your focus there, and if you must think of something, reflect on how far you've come and the journey you get to take to your next peak... or simply enjoy the happiness and the view from the one you are on now.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day! 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





Believe in the Unbelievable Page

Little Boy, Big Dreams LLC Page 

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Daily BITUB- “Relationships”

I've been thinking a lot lately about the relationships we create in our lives. The ones that bring us joy are the ones we should be migrating to, but the relationships that create the most instability are often the ones we spend most of our energy on. Maybe it's a sense of expectation that it will be better or that we can make it better. Maybe we simply imagine that the hardest situations will yield the long and lasting relationships we long for. The let down can be a set back you spend years recovering from. You must believe, however, that you will recover! Thing is every relationship brings us something. We grow from the hard ones, we are nurtured from the good ones, but we mustn't overlook the blessings in having relationships to experience. Every step of the way we will cross the paths that God knows we must. It is up to us to ensure we make, take, learn, teach, and give what we can and when we can to each and every relationship we will have throughout our lifetime. Then no matter the ones we spend our energy on they will be exactly what God intended for us when He allowed those paths to cross.  

Thank you God for my lessons and for allowing me the blessing of knowing those I know, learning from those that teach, for the struggles, the joy, the pain, and for those that want nothing more than to love and be be loved!

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day!


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





Believe in the Unbelievable Page

Little Boy, Big Dreams LLC Page 

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Daily BITUB- “Lessons”

What lesson did I just learn?  

Ever been there? Sitting, asking, thinking of what you should take from this moment? Are you there now? Searching for an answer isn't easy, especially if you aren't asking the right questions. Even harder if you aren't asking the right people to help you find those answers. It's inevitable that you will come face to face with people and things that can challenge your worth. They make you doubt yourself. They deter you from the goals you have set. That is if you are willing to let them. That really is the question isn't it?  Will you let them? Remember negative people gain strength only when we give it to them! There is simply too much positive that exists around us for those negative things to matter. Instead answer the question with confidence! With your blessings in mind! With the strength of experience! With your faith in God and His love for you!  

Will you let them stop you from being what you know you can be? You know the answer.  You don't even have to say it. Instead, why don't you just show them! 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day!


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





Believe in the Unbelievable Page

Little Boy, Big Dreams LLC Page 

Monday, June 25, 2018

Daily BITUB- “Development”

Developing and evolving requires a constant learning. It's accepting the areas we must improve and taking notice of the things that do not benefit our progression. It's being open enough to face our challenges with the understanding that we may have created some of them. No matter how we came to this obstacle in order to evolve we must tap into our instincts! We have the power to make the changes we must to be what we need to be. We must utilize things we may have forgotten and empower ourselves to move beyond any limitations that have been set by others or ourselves. It's time to stand strong! You have the faith! You have countless blessings from God! Use them! Trust your ability to stare adversity down and overcome it! You can, you will and most of all remember the foundation of experience you created in those times you already have!
Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed week!


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





Believe in the Unbelievable Page

Little Boy, Big Dreams LLC Page 

Friday, June 22, 2018

Daily BITUB- “Dream and Believe”

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."- Philippians 4:13

We often imagine how life should be. You know the one of our dreams. That one we wonder if we will ever reach. The one we wonder even if we can.  It's that place we stare into space midday and think of. It's our happy escape. It's where we are the exact person we know we should be. It's where everyone that matters to us exists. As I started to reflect on that and talk about it with someone... I thought, wow! How often we forget our current place. How often we go through life seeing another life as better. We are hard on ourselves and place limitations on our potential. We challenge our strength and question our ability to reach those destinations and to live those dreams. We allow setbacks to create roadblocks and we give ourselves a way out of trying.  Yes, we all do at some point reach that place where it's easier to doubt then to try. That is of course until we slow down, take a breath, look around us at all God's blessings and realize that we are often standing right in the middle of a dream we had long ago. One we may have thought impossible before, but yet here we are living it!

Dream! Dream big! Live! Live bigger!   Believe! Believe In the Unbelievable dreams that you are already a part of and Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU! 

Have a blessed weekend!


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





Believe in the Unbelievable Page

Little Boy, Big Dreams LLC Page 

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Daily BITUB- “Importance”

How do you gauge the importance of events in your life?    

Maybe it was a turning point for you. Maybe it changed your way of thinking. Maybe it gave you a different perspective of things. Maybe you learned a valuable lesson that helped you grow. Maybe it took away things you thought you needed, but it turned out you really didn't. Maybe it was something that wasn't at all what you expected. There are so many events that impact our lives and influence how, why and when we do the things we do. Some provide us the spark to light the fire we need to push forward. Some ground us in the reality of what matters most to us. Some help us realize the true meaning of love, sharing, caring. Some simply provide us with the beauty of a memory and the blessing of a moment we can carry with us wherever we go.  

So, how do you gauge the importance?  

I've learned it's not about the event.  It's about the blessings God gives us in the opportunities to have them, to experience them and to live. When you put that into perspective... Well, then it's all important.  

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day!


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





Believe in the Unbelievable Page

Little Boy, Big Dreams LLC Page 

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Daily BITUB- “Assumptions”

You can't expect it to just happen. You can't expect anything. Why would you? We get so caught up in thinking others should know exactly what we feel, want, and need that we forget there are times we don't even know. We are all guilty of those assumptions... Those situations where we make a determination that we know what's best when in actuality we haven't even taken the time to know, understand, and familiarize ourselves with a person or place. It makes a difference. Think about it as you go about your day. If we all gave each other that extra moment of time to understand a little better about our influences, inspirations, motivation... Then those things we expect may become more of what we know, and the path to our goals and dreams may suddenly have us all surrounded by blessings willing to help along the way.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day!


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





Believe in the Unbelievable Page

Little Boy, Big Dreams LLC Page 

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Daily BITUB- “You Can!”

As you tackle the day, as you push towards the next goal, as you catch your breath for the next part of your journey, realize the strength in believing! Then...

Standout! Make a difference!  Influence others! Be accountable!  Hold others accountable! Don't ever lower your expectations! Raise the bar! Be your blessings! Impact the outcome of your life! Focus on the positive that surrounds you! Put energy in the places that fuel your passion! Shine brighter everyday!  Resist the negative and the urge to be negative! Take all your motivation and channel that into pushing yourself to that next level! Don't think about what you need to do, take action and do it! Appreciate your opportunities and stop giving yourself excuses as to why you can't and start inspiring yourself by using what's inside you to show you can! If not now then when? If not you then who? Believe in the possibilities of living to the fullest, of living and appreciating God's gifts, of believing in God's plan and Believing in the Unbelievable that is YOU!

Have a blessed day!


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





Believe in the Unbelievable Page

Little Boy, Big Dreams LLC Page 

Monday, June 18, 2018

Daily BITUB- “Foundations”

You must work to create a solid foundation. Get your footing on that foundation and get ready to leap! Why? Because life is in constant motion. So shouldn't you be too? You should never stop moving forward. You should keep progressing and take inventory as things unfold! Assess what is needed in order to develop and grow. The character you build while pushing yourself will be one of the many building blocks in sustaining your growth! Along the way don't lose site of  the people in your life that have been there to help you! You must remember that there is no gratification in success at the expense of others. Your development must fully encompass everything - attitude, behavior, service to others, prioritizing what is important to you, and facing the day to day nuances and challenges that move you closer to your goals and dreams... All the while staying true to your values. Trust your faith and stand strong on your foundation. If you stay constant to who you are and think of how your actions influence others then your foundation can and always will sustain you. 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed week! 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





Believe in the Unbelievable Page

Little Boy, Big Dreams LLC Page 

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Daily BITUB- “A Child”

As we get older our mind tends to create limitations. If you have children, there are children in your life, or you are simply blessed to have them cross your path, take a moment to bask in their faith. Take a moment to realize the commitment and perseverance that they attack life with. Learning to walk, talk, feel, hold, run, read, grow. Whatever it is their relentless pursuit of knowing is beautiful to see and something for us to remember. While you will teach them throughout their lives, be sure you appreciate what they can teach you. Today slow down long enough to watch them and see what believing you can do anything truly looks like. Watch their ability to overcome limitations! Watch them play. Watch them appreciate the moment as they are in the moment. Most of all ensure you encourage them to keep chasing their dreams as they help you to remember it's ok to keep chasing yours! 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day! 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





Believe in the Unbelievable Page

Little Boy, Big Dreams LLC Page 

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Daily BITUB- “Start Doing”

There are so many things we want to do! So many dreams and so many goals. Even just in our daily routine we give ourselves expectations to meet. No coffee today, going to workout a little longer, one more mile, I'm going to finish this project, I'm going to go after that promotion, I'm going to make a difference just by being positive. Our biggest blessings started somewhere right? Maybe in a thought or a random feeling that became an endeavor! One day you woke up and there it was. No longer a thought but a mission. Part of you and necessary for you to be complete! Necessary for you to be you! Necessary for you to feel alive, accomplished, satisfied. It matters to you! Well if it matters to you then chances are it matters to those that love you! Chances are they know you need to reach that goal! They know you will push, fight and commit! They know you can! You know you can, and God puts blessings there so that you will!  

There are so many things we "want" to do. So, we need to stop wanting and start doing! 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day!


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





Believe in the Unbelievable Page

Little Boy, Big Dreams LLC Page 

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Daily BITUB- “You can’t stop now!”

You can't stop now! You've come to far! You've worked so hard! The sacrifices you made, the adversity you endured, the limitations you've overcome! You can't stop now! Too many people believe in you! You believe in you... Yes you do! I know the road seems like a never ending path of challenges but you got this! The light in the tunnel has always been you and your faith! You can't stop now! You know you need it! You know you want it! It's who you are! It's why you are!  It's all the people that have helped mold you- Parents, family, friends. Even though it may seem like it's not, it can and will all come together! You can't stop now! You've prayed for strength. So feel that strength and attack life! You've asked for guidance! So let your spirit lead the way! You've dreamed this! You've maneuvered day after day to be here and now! Exactly where you should be! You've put doubt in those that doubted you couldn't, wouldn't, shouldn't... Because you have! You've come farther than even you imagined! Take it in! Realize what you are capable of! Let God's blessings shine throughout your life! You can't stop now!  No... We won't let you because we believe in you!

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day!


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





Believe in the Unbelievable Page

Little Boy, Big Dreams LLC Page 

Monday, June 11, 2018

Daily BITUB- “Take it in!”

You have to allow yourself to take it all in. Give yourself a chance to feel the moments as they happen.Your instincts often kick in and your heart begins to lead you in the direction it knows you should be traveling. Will it be easy? Will it even make any sense sometimes? Chances are the answer to both those questions is no! Yet faith says carry on! Focus on what feels right. Dedicate yourself to what you need to be you. Commit to it and free yourself from the limitations that often bound us in a state of uncertainty.  When we truly allow ourselves to be all we can be those limitations give way to our true selves. There we find our strongest emotions, our honest feelings, our God given path! As we open ourselves up to God and His love then we get to the point where there is no uncertainty and we can begin the journey to get to exactly where we are supposed to be. 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed week!


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





Believe in the Unbelievable Page

Little Boy, Big Dreams LLC Page 

Friday, June 8, 2018

Daily BITUB- “Thank You!”

I was taught by my parents to always say "thank you". To say thank you for help, for gifts, for a smile, for encouragement. It didn't matter what or the size of the action it was the act that we were giving thanks for. On days like today, I am reminded to stop and shout "thank you" to God first  for His many blessings in my life. For allowing me to wake up, to live another year, to grow, experience, to learn, to teach, to cry, to laugh, to struggle, to persevere. Then to say "thank you" to my wife and my babies for always giving me strength, always supporting me, always holding me up and showing me what it means to love someone more than yourself. Then to all of you in my life that make me want to be better. That inspire me by your passion, your ability to overcome struggles, your work ethic, your pursuit of your dreams, your desire to serve, your faith, your hope, your love. My thoughts today fill my heart as I reflect on all of God's blessings, His Grace, His unconditional and undeniable love for all of us. It's a beautiful and blessed day and I am thankful. 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed weekend!


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





Believe in the Unbelievable Page

Little Boy, Big Dreams LLC Page 

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Daily BITUB- “Try”

You ever heard you don't know until you try? Thing is you do know. You absolutely know if and when you are going to put in the effort. You know if you are even willing to give it a go! You know if your heart is in it. We all have seen others go through the motions. We all have been in that place where we have too. Forcing yourself into a dream more than likely means it isn't your dream! Think about what matters to you. Look at the reality of your place and take comfort in your ability to pursue your happiness! The happiness that matters. Stop wishing for it and start working for it! Those that know you, love you and are a part of your life are ready to support you. You simply must take the leap! They can't catch you if you never take flight! Embrace your path!  Be your blessings! Let your heart set the path, faith be your guide, and your spirit be your companion. God is with you!  So, why not go ahead and give it a try? 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day! 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





Believe in the Unbelievable Page

Little Boy, Big Dreams LLC Page 

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Daily BITUB- “Priorities”

Isn't it hard to set and define your priorities sometimes? Especially how things can change in the blink of an eye. It seems everything is a priority on those days when anything that can come up does. Well, we know God has a plan for us. Sometimes though we forget. It's ok to pause our busy, fast paced, ever changing life and ask Him for guidance. Sometimes He may want us to put in the work to truly see the path. Maybe He wants us to determine what really does matter to us by challenging us to fight, to push, to persevere in order that we may truly appreciate it. It's those things that we simply refuse to quit chasing that often make their way up to the top of our priority list. Funny how God tends to always find a way to find us. As is said, "For I know the plans I have for you", declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." (Jeremiah 29:11)

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day!


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





Believe in the Unbelievable Page

Little Boy, Big Dreams LLC Page 

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Daily BITUB- “Failure”

"I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed." -Michael Jordan 

Do you have what it takes to fail? Are you willing to roll the dice and try things you never have? After all you want things you've never had so you are going to have to aren't you? Failure happens. It's the experience it provides that strengthens us. It's the lessons it teaches that makes us wiser. It's the pain in defeat that gives us the passion and the fortitude to push ourselves harder next time. I've lost many opportunities, been overlooked, faced setbacks, been called out, yelled at, hurt, lost...  All that was on me and because I know that I also know I have the ability to make something from it. Stop waiting, blaming, giving in, giving up, and letting everyone control your tomorrow! Influence the outcome and start it today!

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day! 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





Believe in the Unbelievable Page

Little Boy, Big Dreams LLC Page 

Monday, June 4, 2018

Daily BITUB- “Only If We Allow It”

"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." (Hebrews 11:1)

I know sometimes you feel lost. You'd rather not face the day, but deep down you know the day is coming ready or not. You can use your energy in wondering what, why, how, or you can lay it down in front of God. You know that you shouldn't question it. Not even for a moment. Don't doubt it. Even if you can't see the path through the fog, the weeds, the obstacles it is there. It is there because God says it is. It is there because God has a plan for us. A plan that can only be if we trust in Him. A plan that can only be if we will walk it, and we walk it because we know that God will provide for us along the way! That is if we allow Him to. Only if we are willing to truly go in faith.  Only if we believe even when it is impossible to believe. Not because we see it, but because through God we know it.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed week! 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





Believe in the Unbelievable Page

Little Boy, Big Dreams LLC Page 

Friday, June 1, 2018

Daily BITUB- “Fill The Void”

You can't just think about what's missing in your life. It doesn't fill the void to simply think about it. You have to do something about it!  You have to influence it! You have to create, mold, mend, push, pull, fight! It doesn't fill by chance or by waiting for the next big thing!  No! You create and control the next big thing. You are influential in making and being an active participant in what you need to fill that void with!  No one but you and God truly know what is important to you, what you need to feel and be, what you need to grow, what inspires you, motivates you, strengthens you, and who and what matters to you! Think about it. Your heart already knows the answer! Trust in faith so that you may truly understand the question. Then answer that!  Fill that void with those priorities, with the blessings God presents you with, with your dreams, your goals, your purpose! Fill it with all those beautiful things that you need to make you, YOU! 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed weekend!


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23





Believe in the Unbelievable Page

Little Boy, Big Dreams LLC Page 

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