Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Daily BITUB- “Wake-up Call”

What's it going to take? What is going to be your wake-up call? If you have it are you even going to listen to it? When we are in those moments where the lessons come the hardest we are quick to say we won't do this ever again. Then as time goes on we get complacent, we get the confidence back, we get that sense of invulnerability and we go back to old ways. It's a vicious cycle and honestly a dangerous one. We put ourselves in situations we shouldn't, and that old record plays… "Nothing is going to happen to me." That is until it does and we are left there once again trying to understand why we let ourselves back into this place. I can tell you that over the past few years my guardian angels were working overtime, and God was giving me sign after sign that I needed to be aware of things going on around me that I couldn't, or rather, refused to see. Until God decided I needed more than a nudge, but a push. While part of me was hurt, angry, confused, the other part of me was grateful. As time has gone on I have realized what it was that God was actually doing. That was the key though… Me realizing it. Not others, not some motivational speaker telling me to live, not some book telling my why I should, but me seeing something that was always there. There is no special remedy, no silver bullet, no magical thing that is going to wake us up. For some it isn't one moment, but many moments. For others it is a constant realization of what we must do, the people that are there trying to help us do it, and the ones who refuse to leave us, and we finally realizing we don't want them to. It is the clarity that some people must go, some things we must put down, other things we must remove from our thoughts, and still those things that will fight themselves back in, but we must do what we can to keep them out. None of it is easy. None of it happens overnight. None of it happens until we are ready for it to happen. Until we say this is what it takes. This I hear. This I see. This I feel. This right here is the wake-up call I needed… and thank God He allowed me to have it.  

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you take a moment to listen to what God is telling you. That you see the moments, learn the lessons, wake up to the beauty of life and the blessings in living it. 

Have a blessed day! 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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