Thursday, January 16, 2020

Daily BITUB- “Wonder”

Remember that sense of wonder you had when you were a kid? Since I can remember I always had this fascination with trees. They were like a sanctuary to me. I would climb as high as I could go and didn't think twice about where I was going... I just wanted to climb. Now, I fell out of a lot of trees too. Which of course is bound to happen when we allow the beauty of that wonder to keep our fears at bay. While I had some tough falls it never deterred me from wanting to climb more. As time went on my mom would see me running out the door and ask me, "How many trees are you going to fall out of today?" In other words climb! It became a statement that would carry me for many years, but as I got older I forgot about that wonder. Instead I allowed complacency to set in and as my wonder became a thing of the past so did my drive to climb higher. I was never afraid of heights, but I started to fear the fall. I started to think if it was worth it. After all we are safe right here on the ground, safe in our comfort zones, safe and convinced that settling is the way to go. I have challenged myself more intentionally over the year to remember what it felt like to climb. What it felt like to do the hard things, to push beyond boundaries to exceed limitations, because that's where that wonder lives. That is where our ability to be more, do more, see more, create, invent, innovate, lead, teach, grow, experience resides. Do you still have that wonder? Do you still want to climb? Are you holding that feeling back? Maybe you are, maybe you are afraid of the fall, maybe you just need someone to remind you that the higher you climb the better the view, the bigger the dream, the greater the wonder. Maybe, so, consider yourself reminded, and I pray you get to enjoy the climb once again. 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you allow yourself to have that wonder, that you let Hod help guide you, and you climb as high as you can go! After all the leaps of faith from there go much farther.

Have a blessed day! 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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