Thursday, September 17, 2020

Daily BITUB- “Talk and Believe”

Sometimes we stand face to face with a situation that we simply aren't ready to confront, but we know we need to. Doubt, indecision and fear can create mountains that feel like they are insurmountable. Yet, we've climbed those mountains before. Each time a little higher, each time stronger, each time better for it. We've all tried to ignore situations. In our minds we think it will go away. I've learned the hard way that doing so starts to build up this anxiety and emotion inside you. Avoiding something won't make it go away and chances are it will show up when we least expect it. Think about past situations. The times you just handled what needed to be handled. You had the tough conversations, and you shared what needed to be shared. While in the moment it may seem like maybe it isn't the best thing; deep down you have this feeling that it is. Over time you know that it was. It puts all your cards on the table. It reveals the truth in a moment and the strength of the relationships you have built around you. It's comfort, it's transparency, it's honesty, it's trust, it's love for those that matter most to you. In the end what we often find is that we are stronger than we thought we could be, and that dealing with it helps give us direction for what we must do next. Sure, it's not always going to be clear or easy, but prayer helps. Asking for His wisdom, trusting in faith, giving yourself to Him, and believing that God will guide you matters. In that, we often find ourselves saying and doing exactly what must be said and done exactly at the moment God had intended for us to. 

Believe In The Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that if you are holding on to something that you need to unload then you have the courage and the faith in God's wisdom to guide you. Guide you so that you may lay it down and move forward in faith, in love, in hope. 

Have a blessed, safe, and healthy day everyone.


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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