Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Daily BITUB- “A Life Fulfilled”

Are you taking charge of your life? Why not? Is it because you have been allowing people and things around you to dictate your next move? Is it because you think you can't? Maybe you've been let down, disappointed, lost. Maybe some choices you've made didn't work out. Maybe you are in a place you have been stuck in for a long time. Ok, so now you get to change that. Now you get to make your next move. After all you are the one responsible for the direction it has gone so far, and now you get to determine where it will go. Don't allow others to dictate the pace, place or how you will live. If you have been doing that stop it. Yes, you can stop it. Live your life and find the beauty in what that means. Live a life that matters to you. Hold yourself accountable for every choice. Once you do that you will understand no matter the circumstance if your choices brought you here then your next one can take you from here. You can go wherever you will allow yourself to go. So, where do you want to go? Remember that some blessings will take work. They will take effort and nurturing to blossom into the full potential of what they can be. Every thing begins somewhere and with someone. So, why not make it start with you, with your relationship with God, your desire to do what you dream, the people that matter most to you, and the extraordinary possibilities that exist in loving and living life to the fullest. For a life fulfilled is truly a life that fills your heart with the things that allow you to give back to the world your full potential of only what you are capable of giving it. 

Believe In The Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer to today is that you are able to take charge of your journey and fulfill your purpose. A purpose that no doubt, filled with love, will bring joy to those around you. 

Have a blessed, healthy, and safe day all, 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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