Friday, January 1, 2016

Daily BITUB- "Happy New Year"

When you look back at the year chances are you do what most of us do... Look at what you didn't accomplish. It's human nature and as I said before looking at what we don't have often clouds what we do.  So instead pay close attention to the things you did accomplish. Maybe you didn't reach the milestone you wanted in a particular goal, but did you make progress? Did you learn what didn't work so you are experienced in your efforts to try again... Better and from a different perspective? Think of all the obstacles you surmounted to get to today. Think of the accomplishments you did achieve. Think of the people you came in contact with.  Think of the ones who changed your life and the ones whose lives you changed. Think of the countless blessings and opportunities you were given and while we overlook many... Think about those you didn't.  Perspective is everything so why not look at the positives?  Remember victory is not always that we win, but in the ability and chances we have to fight!  You are here stronger, wiser and better from all your blessings in 2015! Give yourself credit and take a firm footing on that foundation of faith, love and trust in God and His plans, and leap with all you are into 2016!  The year where you get to move that much closer to your goals and dreams and where Believing in the Unbelievable that is YOU awaits!

Happy New Year and here is to a blessed year! 


"Believe in yourself... All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23



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