Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Daily BITUB- "Open Up"

Completely opening yourself up to someone shouldn't ever be an opportunity to expose what you aren't, but rather be a celebration and appreciation of what you are. It shouldn't matter if it's your spouse, your significant other, family, friends, or your co-workers, you must be true to who you are.  There is no comfort in pursuing someone else's dream. There is no stability in standing on a foundation that you didn't build and you don't believe in.  It's only by being honest about who you are, what matters to you, and who matters to you that you will create opportunities to be surrounded by people willing to do the same. Recognizing the beauty and passion in growing together will push you through any challenges you will face, and as you grow with one another so will your strength. God puts people in our lives when we need them most.  We must trust that our paths cross with those people for a reason, and then have faith that no matter where the path leads, we can take comfort in knowing we are exactly on the path God intends for us to be.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day! 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23







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