Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Daily BITUB- “9-11”

We will never forget. 

I remember I was in NC grounded. I was to leave that day when it happened. I was watching, along with everyone else, in utter disbelief. I was mad, sad, confused, and left wondering what just happened. As news unfolded and we waited to be cleared to fly home things sunk in when all flights were cancelled. I was lost for words, and wondering what could I do. How could I help? Then, about a week later, I saw this person on TV say they were going to be better for all this. She told the story of how her family was on one of the planes and while she was hurting she knew so many others were too. So, she was just going to pray. Pray for herself, her family, others, the USA, and anyone else that needed it. I decided to do the same. I sat for another week before we could fly and just worked and prayed. When I finally did fly again I was very afraid. Yet in that fear I found comfort in all the others on that plane with me who said we have to keep living, especially for those we lost. We will rebuild, we will fly, we will learn, we will grow, we will stand strong in prayer, true to our faith, and continue to have hope of what will be. Today, I simply remember. I remember and as I did then, just like that person that lost her family, I pray for all that were, still are, will be impacted by that day. That they will use our faith when theirs waivers, our hope when they can't see it for themselves, and know even in our darkest moments there are blessings.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day!


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23







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