Thursday, January 31, 2019

Daily BITUB- “Laugh!”

"Always laugh when you can, it is cheap medicine."- Lord Byron 

Yesterday I found myself frustrated and tired. I was walking to grab myself a cup of coffee when I stopped to talk to a friend and before you knew it we couldn't stop laughing at a memory we shared. How often do you simply have a good laugh? Have you laughed today? If you have children, or been around them, have you ever heard them laughing in the next room and immediately your heart was full? Have you ever been in a room where someone started laughing and before you knew it everyone was. Laughter truly is contagious. I've found that even on the hardest of days laughter provides comfort. It's a beacon of hope that says things will be ok. Maybe it's in a joke, maybe it's in a memory, maybe it's a look from a friend that instantly triggers a thought. When you think of those happy moments where you laughed you can't help but reminisce about other times. Even now as I write this I'm smiling and laughing thinking of those memories. As you read it hopefully you are too. So, have you laughed today? Let yourself! Share a moment with others in laughter, and thank God for the many opportunities and blessings that simply bring joy, a smile, and a laugh to our lives.

Believe In The Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day! 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Daily BITUB- “Excuses”

That mountain in front of us seems insurmountable doesn't it? Well, that's what we are telling ourselves anyway. How often do we make excuses to let ourselves off the hook? We know God has plans for us. We know we want to live out those plans. Yet those plans can easily be dismissed as we pile on the excuses. "I'm too tired." "I'm too busy." "I don't have the money." "It really isn't that important." "I don't have the patience." In reality what we are saying is we aren't willing to do what is necessary to reach beyond our "limitations". Yes, I put that in quotes because there are no limitations that aren't set by us. We must believe that God's plan, our plan, our dreams are stronger, bigger, more important than an excuse. Excuses tell us all the reasons we can't, but what about the reasons we can? Why can't those reasons pile up? Just how high are we willing to allow ourselves to climb up that mountain? In everything we are blessed to experience it is those challenges, those moments of decision, that determine will we let the excuses hold us down or will we put them at our feet and use them to climb higher than we ever have.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day! 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Daily BITUB- “Life and Living”

Are you living? I mean truly living? Do you wake up ready to experience life and all it's splendor? Are you committed to pushing through any obstacle that you are blessed to grow from? Are you dedicated to the dreams you dream? Come on... Be stubborn in your goals! Put them out of reach, chase them constantly, and run them down relentlessly! Raise the bar in every aspect of your experience. Set the standard and expect more from yourself each and every day! Ask for more! Demand it!  Remember, God is not obligated to give us the scenario we deem perfect. No, He gives us what we need to become exactly what we are destined to be. Earn it! Earn it by facing it vulnerable, exposed, honest and true so that it can be a part of the real that is in you. Tell people what you are. Tell them who you want to be. Tell them why you are going to be it. Motivate from the inside out. Life is limitless... All it takes is your willingness to experience what it has to offer.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day!


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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Monday, January 28, 2019

Daily BITUB- “Take The Possibilities”

Why do you think you haven't earned the opportunity in front of you? Have you put in the work? Did you make the sacrifices you needed to make? Are you willing to do more, be more, give more? How often we forget why we decided to do the things we do. We think the worst is going to happen. We get complacent and allow that comfort zone to take us and hold us captive. Don't deny yourself a chance by feeling you aren't supposed to be here. Maybe this is only the first benchmark on a longer journey. Maybe it's hard to believe that you made it this far, but you did. The battles you have fought, the lessons you have learned, all the things you have experienced, both good and bad, have given you the new possibilities of what comes next. You may be exhausted. You may be weary from the fight. You may even feel you can't go on, but you've felt like that before and yet here you are. Take hold of the possibilities and create the next moment, the next milestone, the next level! Be honest with yourself about what you need and let your heart create the desire necessary to achieve it!

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed week! 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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Friday, January 25, 2019

Daily BITUB- “Likes”

Someone told me yesterday they were upset they didn't get more likes on their post. They asked me what I feel when there are little to no likes on one of my posts. You know what I've learned... It's not about how many friends you have on social media. It's not about how many likes you get. Don't allow your life to be determined by those things. Instead be passionate about what's important to you. Post that, speak about that, live that! If you are a positive influence, a light in the tunnel, a word of encouragement then chances are you are touching someone's life. You are making it better. From a smile, a hug, a shoulder to cry on, laughs, memories you make, the sincerity of your words, the sharing of your faith... It matters. Maybe it doesn't get a like. Maybe you never know that what you said, did, posted made a difference for someone, but live with the thought that you may be making someone's life better by your presence in theirs. No, it's not about how many friends you have... Be blessed by those that matter most and let them know they have you. 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed weekend! 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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Thursday, January 24, 2019

Daily BITUB- “A Reason”

You want it don't you? You know what it means to you. You know why it means that much. Yet you are hesitating. You are delaying getting on with it. Do you really need a reason? If you do there are plenty! How about because of the people who think it can't be done? How about because your gifts from God were meant to be seen and used? How about because this is the moment you've been waiting for? How about because beyond this moment is a memory waiting to unfold? How about because you simply always wanted to? How about because your heart tells you that you can? How about because your instincts, your choices, your experiences have guided you to this very spot? How about because you knew that chasing your goals and dreams would be hard, but you dreamed them anyway? How about because your love for life won't let you settle for anything less than more? How about because you believe... In the hope of possibilities, in the beauty of tomorrow, in the faith of today? You need a reason? How about simply because someone somewhere Believes In the Unbelievable that is YOU!

Have a blessed day! 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Daily BITUB- “Change It!”

You want to change your world? It seems impossible sometimes. You have so many challenges you feel like just throwing your hands up. Tackling your challenges won't be easy, but taking notice of them is a start. We've all done it... Avoided, ignored, even pretended it was ok when it wasn't. Sometimes we may think that the easy way out is to simply overlook the adversity in our life. Reality is it doesn't go away, and more often than not it turns up at the most in opportune times. So, Instead dig in!  Plant your feet firmly on that foundation of love, trust, hope and faith you have built! Look inside at all your passion and all the experiences where you have surmounted what seemed impossible time after time. Flex your spirit and focus on all those that matter most in your life! Channel God's blessings that protect you and arm you for any and all challenges, obstacles and adversity that you come face to face with. Look at who you are. See what you are capable of being. Know that there are no limitations and boundaries that you are not fit to overcome. Quit looking down! Look out at the view from the peak you are standing and look up to the one you will be standing on soon. Remember it's your life and your faith in God and His Grace that can carry you through anything. You want to change your world? Then let's go! 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day.


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Daily BITUB- “Create The Beauty”

God created the path. God created the journey. God created the destination. What we do with it is on us. From the moment we wake to the moment we sleep we are in constant movement towards that destination. A destination where God is ever present and waiting for us. As we travel our path we inevitably will encounter crossroads. It is at these forks in the road where we must make choices as to what we will do next. We must decide what voice we will have at each juncture. Will it be one of strength, one of fear, one of faith, hope, love? Will it be encouraging or discouraging? Will it be influential and inspiring? Will it be negative or will we look to find the positive amidst the storm? These are all decisions we get to make. It is how the moment becomes a starting point and the memories serve to become our motivation to press onward upon the path God has laid out for us. As hard as it may be to see sometimes, it's all within us to do it, to be it, to create that beautiful journey we know we are all capable of creating.  

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day!


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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Monday, January 21, 2019

Daily BITUB- “MLK Day”

"We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope." - Martin Luther King, Jr..

There are so many quotes that motivate and inspire me that Dr. King wrote. I imagine often what his thoughts were and know that his words were always backed by his actions. As we all remember his most blessed and powerful speech I think about what it means to dream. What it means to even be able to dream. It can't be something you just talk about. Your dream is something you must live. It is something you feel, you honor, and you respect. It is something that is a part of you and gives you the strength and perseverance you need to move forward in faith every single day! It's something you live up to and you live for. Examples like Dr. King are honored when we celebrate his life, his legacy, and his pursuit of his dream by living up to the expectations he laid the groundwork for. As we progress we must remember we will experience disappointments. That is all part of the journey, but as the quote says, we can never lose hope of the possibility of tomorrow, of people's goodness, and of the beautiful opportunities to realize his and all our dreams. After all hope is the building blocks of a better tomorrow. Use that hope and have faith that your dream matters and trust that God will provide what you need exactly at the moment you will need it. 

Thank you Dr. King! 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed week!


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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Friday, January 18, 2019

Daily BITUB- “Rejoice in It”

This is the day The Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it." -Psalm 118:24

I often wonder what each day will bring. It puts so much into perspective when you begin to realize that each day must not be taken for granted. Each interaction, each moment, each and every step matters. If your day isn't going well, if you are suffering, if you feel lost remember it is still a day that The Lord has made. Therefore it is a day that  God knows where you are and what you are facing. It's His day that has been given to us. Today can be completely different, new, wonderful. It can be a day where it all goes right. It can be a day that makes you realize how blessed you are. We have today to bring things together. We have today to make things right with those we have wronged or have wronged us. We have today to change our perspective, to positively influence someone's life, to get our life on track. Today, just like yesterday, just like tomorrow is a day The Lord has made... How will you rejoice and be glad in it?

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed weekend! 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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Thursday, January 17, 2019

Daily BITUB- “Plans”

It's hard to see sometimes isn't it? You want clarity, but your doubts, emotions, fears, and insecurities cloud your progression. You know there is a plan, but sometimes you lose sight that God's plan is in motion. You lose sight because it's not fitting into that lane you want to be in. Let's be honest, sometimes it's down right difficult to accept God's plan for us. The path seems so unclear, and the fact it isn't always easy makes it even harder at times. We get frustrated because of our own misunderstandings when in actuality we shouldn't question God's reason. We should instead embrace the moment and find comfort that His way is always right. Always right! His challenges, His experiences for us, His gifts, and the blessings He bestows on us all matter. We can't take some of it, specifically only what we want, and leave the rest because it doesn't fit into our plan. Thing is, it's not our plan. It's His, and our faith in Him, our trust in His way, our belief that He is in control of our journey should bring us that clarity we are looking for... and honestly that should be the only plan we ever need.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day! 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Daily BITUB- “The You”

What if you didn't fight for what you believed in? What if everyone decided they were entitled to something rather than being willing to put in the hours, the commitment, the development necessary to reach their goals? What if everyone decided it was too hard so they would simply take the easy way? Often times I wonder, but then I am inspired by those willing to sacrifice, to push themselves, to put in the long hours, to teach, to learn, to grow, to experience. Their path wasn't easy. There were setbacks, failures, disappointments, but there was also heart, focus, and faith. There were moments of confusion, doubt, weariness from the fight, but victory in the moments they realized they could fight, could carry on, could exceed expectations. As cliche as it is there is truth in the saying that nothing worth having is easy. Maybe you don't get that instant gratification, but the journey you are willing to take creates so much more... More character, more teachable moments, more resilience, more possibilities, more relationships. It creates a better, more experienced, more seasoned you! The you that you may have thought couldn't be. The you that looks back and realizes just how blessed you are for all those that supported you, that gave you the tough love, that pushed you to hang in there and be better. The you that understands just how beautiful and necessary it is to be able to enjoy the ride and take that long way around.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day! 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Daily BITUB- “Obstacles”

The obstacles that exist in life are inevitable and necessary. The good and the bad matter. The ups and the downs give us perspective. The joy and the pain gives us strength. They are parts of the whole that help us appreciate our blessings. They help us see all those around us that hold us up, push us forward and even carry us at times. It's those inspirations that make life such a beautiful journey. It's those people who leave lasting impressions on us and give us perspective into who we are and want to be. It's the small things they do that feed our soul daily and the big things that nourish our passion always! They lend their faith in God to us when we forgot ours. They give us the ability to focus on our real strength. Where that real strength is knowing when you can't do it alone, and having the faith to realize the many blessings in your life that are willing to do it with you. 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day!


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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Monday, January 14, 2019

Daily BITUB- “The Good”

When the plan comes together it's easy to overlook how good life is. We get to that peak and we quickly move on. Then in an instant when things change we often are quick to question everything that is presented to us. We get angry, we forget the good, we question God and His plans for us.  That beauty that existed not long ago is long forgotten, and the path we have been so blessed to travel seems as if we are wandering aimlessly. If you are facing the dark stop and remember the light. If you are in a hard place in life right now stop and remember the easy. If you are asking God to answer your prayers be sure you take notice that He may not answer like you want, but will always answer them the way you need. Remember how you came to this juncture of life. Think of and hold tight to all the extraordinary things that created your strength. Use it to reinvent the hope of a better tomorrow and stand on the faith you have often leaned upon. Before long when it all comes together again, and it will, be sure you slow down long enough this time to appreciate it and thank God for the beauty of life, the good in it, and all the blessings that come with that.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed week! 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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Friday, January 11, 2019

Daily BITUB- “Listen to yourself!”

Listen to yourself. What are you really saying? What are you really telling yourself? Why are you avoiding your real dreams? Why are you not sharing it with those that matter most to you? Why are you not experiencing life and all its beauty? Why are you holding back? Why would you be afraid to show the world what matters to you? Why would you settle for anything less than the blessing you are capable of being? Why would you give in to adversity? Why would you stop when you are capable of more? Why wouldn't you see that your happiness helps others to realize theirs? What is it that you are trying to convince yourself?  Remember if you can talk yourself out of it you can just as easily talk yourself back into it. Unleash the real you! The one we have caught glimpses of in your most challenging times. The one we have leaned on, admired and supported. The one that at your best truly is amazing to experience. The one that brings light with them in the tunnels that at one time or another we must all pass through. Listen to yourself and start believing in the possibilities! Start believing that you will reach your peaks, your goals, your dreams. Why? Because you can, because you will, because you have before.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed weekend! 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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Thursday, January 10, 2019

Daily BITUB- “More”

As the new year is upon us I've seen countless advertisements telling me I need more. We live in a world where simplicity is not something advertised enough. We are bombarded with things that will create instant gratification, but won't allow long term happiness. In fact it often has the opposite impact on our lives. It isn't easy to resist the picture painted that the next device, the faster car, the  bigger house will make us happier, but you find that the joy in your current blessings creates an ability to make the things that matter mean more. Your health, your well being, your knowledge, your faith, your family, your friends, your relationships, your experiences become more satisfying than ever. Your joy comes from living for what you have rather than being clouded by what you don't. Don't get me wrong chasing the dream matters, just don't be so wrapped up in chasing it you forget about the dream your in, the life you have, and all the magnificent blessings God has in your life right here and right now... and if you find you still need more, there is always room for more love, more hope, more faith, and more God in your life. 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day! 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Daily BITUB- “Life IS Short”

We have all heard, or said ourselves, that life is short. You wonder then why so many fill the days with negativity, with doubt, with animosity, with resentment. Though, we've all been there. We've all wasted a day, wasted time to spend with those we love, wasted our opportunities. Life is filled with so many things. It is on us to make those things matter. The things that truly matter. Make the necessary adjustments you need to inject the positive, the good, the nurturing relationships into your life. Spend your days focusing on the possibilities of wonder, of joy, of happiness. Take your moments and make them memories, experiences, growth. Give yourself the beauty of the day and appreciation of each new day by living in this one... By saying those things you know you should, by laughing, crying, giving, taking the walk, taking the trip, making the move, calling your family, doing your best at work, hugging your spouse, reading to the kids. Do it all while you can. Do it all because you can. Do it because God has laid down this gift that is life, and while it's short it is nothing short of everything we want it to be.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day! 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Daily BITUB- “Emotional Decisions”

Understanding the emotion behind your decisions can often help you understand the importance of them. What does it really mean to you? Does it fire you up, make you angry, give you joy, hurt, help, motivate, inspire? Often it's those rash decisions made at the peaks of our emotion that leave us wondering why we did what we did and what comes next. Hit pause for a moment when you must. It won't be easy, but it may just be what you need. Think of your next move, consider the outcome, evaluate the alternatives, and decide is the emotion you are feeling creating the decision you need for the long term or is it simply satisfying this moment. We live in a fast pace, ever changing world. We must be willing to create our experiences by controlling and influencing our lives to be more in tune with how things make us feel, why we feel them, and ultimately create our joy through decisions based off what we need vs what we want.

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day! 

"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23

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Monday, January 7, 2019

Daily BITUB- “Adversity”

Adversity has no idea that it's a new year. It was there in 2018 and has no problem coming in to 2019. It's too early in the year for it right? Well it doesn't know that we have plans, goals or that we may think we aren't ready to face it! Truth is that adversity is always ready to challenge us. It's our ability to realize that we are ready to handle it that creates the difference. It's our ability to see how strong we are, how much experience we bring to the table and that no matter when the challenge comes we are ready to take it head on. Better yet, look at it as a blessing. Bring it now! Give us something to overcome early so we can begin to build our strength for the year. Present us with the obstacles so that we are already that much closer to our goals. God knows exactly what day it is, what time it is, what's in store for us. He knows exactly when and what we need to grow. He knows why we need it, and we must have faith that we can and will handle it. Remember through Him all is possible! Those unbelievable moments He gives us, the amazing things we have been blessed to experience, our most crowning achievements often started with adversity. 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed week!


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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Thursday, January 3, 2019

Daily BITUB- “What kind of year?”

What kind of year will you have? I'm certain we all have been thinking about that. So, think about what kind of year do you want? What kind of year do you need? It's up to you. Always has been. No one will define the successes you have but you. No one will determine if your goals are high enough but you. No one can outline the steps that must be taken but you. You know you! You understand you! Your biggest critic will always be within, but so should your biggest fan. Commit to your growth. Support yourself by trusting in your abilities and overcome any doubt you are capable of dreaming big and living bigger. It's time. Reenergize by realizing the gifts you possess and remember you already have the power to influence the direction your life will go. Transcend the excuses and limitations by focusing on faith in God's plan and hope in what that plan can be. 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed day! 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Daily BITUB- “The New Year”

There will always be the opportunity for change. We will reflect upon the last year and make determinations of exactly what we deem that change to be. Many phrases will begin with  "This year I'm going to..." and many others with "No more..."  Thing is while our 2018 may have found us wanting more of one thing, certainly it also had its moments of needing less of other things. Reflecting on the "things" we want to change is never going to be enough. Change will happen once we realize that the real reflection we must see is our own. What did we do to impact our lives? What do we need to do to ensure we continue to do it? How will we approach the inevitable challenges that 2019 will bring? How will we show appreciation of God's presence, His blessings, His Grace and the beauty of today and the limitless possibilities of tomorrow?  What does our reflection tell us when we truly look at it? 2018 may have ended, but 2019 is going to be as significant as we choose to make it... Just as every day has been and every day going forward can be. There will always be opportunity for change. So, don't make resolutions of what you want to do, make proclamations of what you will do with God's gift of life, with your many blessings, with that reflection looking back at you! 

Here is to Believing in the Unbelievable beauty that was 2018 and the blessings of 2019 and beyond!

Happy New Year! 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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