Adversity has no idea that it's a new year. It was there in 2018 and has no problem coming in to 2019. It's too early in the year for it right? Well it doesn't know that we have plans, goals or that we may think we aren't ready to face it! Truth is that adversity is always ready to challenge us. It's our ability to realize that we are ready to handle it that creates the difference. It's our ability to see how strong we are, how much experience we bring to the table and that no matter when the challenge comes we are ready to take it head on. Better yet, look at it as a blessing. Bring it now! Give us something to overcome early so we can begin to build our strength for the year. Present us with the obstacles so that we are already that much closer to our goals. God knows exactly what day it is, what time it is, what's in store for us. He knows exactly when and what we need to grow. He knows why we need it, and we must have faith that we can and will handle it. Remember through Him all is possible! Those unbelievable moments He gives us, the amazing things we have been blessed to experience, our most crowning achievements often started with adversity.
Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and have a blessed week!
"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23
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