"Words from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses." (Proverbs 27:6)
You've heard the saying we are our own worst enemy. As I was reading I came across this verse and thought, wow, how often do we do this to ourselves. We convince ourselves that what we are doing is ok. We say I'm giving enough, I'm listening enough, I'm doing all I can. We are very convincing giving ourselves those pats on the back when deep down we know we are capable of so much more. We know that we aren't happy, aren't reaching our potential, aren't seeking out our calling. There are more people settling because that's easy to do, and we have an ability to convince ourselves of anything! We are afraid to put ourselves out there because we don't want our shortcomings to be exposed. That's really self demoting isn't it? Stepping out of the shadows and taking a risks is living. To do nothing is being disrespectful to yourself and to all those who believe in you. Which honestly is more people than you often allow yourself to realize. Allowing yourself to go through the motions to avoid opportunities to fail will only prevent you from realizing how beautiful God's blessings really are. It's ok to realize your wins, but hold yourself accountable and challenge yourself often. Be a friend, open and vulnerable, and trust yourself enough to be honest with where you are and where you want to go.
Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you friend yourself! That you are able to be open and honest with who you need to be and that you allow yourself to realize God's blessing at work in your life.
Have a blessed week everyone.
"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23
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