We've probably all had situations where we said one thing, but it was completely misinterpreted. In these days where text and emails happen more often than actual face to face conversation it's completely possible we misinterpret something more often than not. Things are always susceptible to getting lost in translation. Maybe that's why we find ourselves questioning God at times. His text, The Word, gets lost in translation for us. We wonder where our answered prayer is. We are searching for answers as to why something happened. We get frustrated that things aren't happening the way we planned for them to. Yes, I believe we often miss that God doesn't make mistakes. His way is the only way, but try as we might there are still those moments when His message, His answered prayer, His calling to us simply is confusing. The thing is it may take us days, months, years to understand what God is telling us, but rest assured when it is time, His time, it will be abundantly clear. Clear that God's interpretation of our prayers, where we are, where we are going, what we are to become is beautifully translated into exactly what He intended it to be.
Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you find the clarity you seek and as you are working through that translation you allow God's wisdom to guide you.
Have a blessed week all!
"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23
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