If you want to change something you can't just say It. That's not enough! Telling yourself I'm going to change won't be enough unless you understand why you want this change. It's always the why that makes it matter. Are you doing it to have a healthier lifestyle? Are you doing it to have a better relationship with your person? Are you doing it to create more meaningful interactions? Maybe it's to spend more time on you and your pursuit of those long awaited goals and dreams. Maybe it's to be an example for your kids? How about because you want to be a better leader, a better person, a better listener, a better mother, father, brother, sister, friend? Maybe it's because you understand that without this change you can't level up. Regardless of your reason understanding the why creates the level of urgency, focus, dedication and commitment you will need to do it. As cliche as it is change is inevitable. Controlling what and how we change, how we react to it, and what it really means... our why... ,s on us.
Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you understand the beauty in changing for the better. That you don't avoid that path, but rather you embrace it, and as you begin to understand why, you begin to see the blessing that change can bring.
Have a blessed day.
"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23
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