What if someone else described their ideal life as the one you are living and often complain about? It's easy to overlook the things we have because we get so clouded in our thoughts about the things we don't. I've said often that the greener grass we are looking for makes it difficult to see we are already standing on someone else's idea of greener grass. Don't get me wrong it's ok to pursue more and to dream bigger, but the opportunity to appreciate our blessings is constant. Think about where you are and take a moment to really look around. There is always something there that reminds you how blessed you are. There is always a reminder of God's love. If you struggle to see anything just remember that every breath we take, every sunrise, every sunset is a reminder of His gift of life and the ability for us to live it. So appreciate the day, the smile, the hug, the job, the laughter of children, the helping hand, the friendships, the kids, your person, the love given and the love you get, and God's unconditional love for us all. Appreciate it and don't let those moments pass you by.
Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you are able to see the moments that remind you just how blessed you really are.
Have a blessed day everyone.
"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23
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