Someone said to me we shouldn't just give thanks this week, but do it all the time. I agree, but that's not how it works. So, if this week makes people take pause and be thankful then I'm all for it. If it makes people volunteer, give back, look for miracles, pray harder, remember those we have lost, appreciate those we haven't, then I'm for that too. We absolutely should give thanks each and every day, but reality is we won't. We will go about our days finding more moments to complain about than to appreciate. We all do it. We all miss the opportunities to just say thank you to each other, to our family, to our parents, our person, our kids, our pastor, our church family, God. We miss the moments, but this week more people won't. More people will realize just how beautiful life is and how grateful we get to be, and I say thanks be to God for weeks like this week where so many will simply be appreciative that God gives us so much to appreciate and we have something to remind us to.
Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you find a moment to appreciate life, your blessings (they are there), and that you are able to take a breath and give thanks to God for He is great.
Have a blessed week everyone.
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