"Differences make us who we are, not someone we aren't."- Alanna Carrizales
When I was younger I used to have many issues with self-esteem. I didn't share it and often masked it by cutting up and attempting to fit in. Things got me down and the fear of being rejected kept me there. It was easier to stay in a hole then it was to look out with the chance I could be pushed back in. I was afraid people wouldn't like me and the result was putting on whatever mask I needed to wear to accommodate the group I wanted to be with. I made exceptions to my own values my parents instilled in me, and I certainly wasn't worried about what God thought of it. The instant gratification of approval was good enough for me. As time went on that resulted in being in situations I didn't' want to be in, and ultimately ended up in trouble. It got to a point there was no esteem that wasn't my own. There was no self. It took years to start seeing that certain things didn't matter. It took even longer to understand that the people you want in your life are the ones that make sure you understand just how much you do matter. I learned that surrounding yourself with images of who you want to be steals your ability to be who you are supposed to be. My daughter said the above quote to us this past week and it resonated with me. "Differences make us who we are, not someone we aren't". How right she is, and if we could all understand that we might be more accepting. We may be able to better handle those who don't accept us, and be reminded to be more understanding in those moments of weakness when we fail to accept others. Our differences are the things that make us have that self. Our esteem is ours and through the eyes of God and those that care enough to allow us to be who we need to be... we are exactly as we should be.
Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you allow your differences to make you shine. That you let yourself be you in hopes that along the way you inspire others to be themselves.
Have a blessed day every one!
"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23
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