Thursday, January 23, 2020

Daily BITUB- “Push Back”

Push back! If you don't agree, speak up. If you have a different view of things, express it. Don't settle. Don't be a product of your environment, make the environment a product of you. There is no satisfaction in saying it's ok when it's not. The giving in will catch up to you. The frustration of always saying yes when it's not at all aligned with your focus will eventually reach a boiling point. It's ok to disagree. Just as it's ok for someone to disagree with us. Healthy conflict is part of growing and developing. It's how great minds work, how ideas are cultivated, and different ways of thinking come to fruition. Being open to the possibility of blazing your own path is how new expectations are created, how bars are raised, how limitations are overcome. Sometimes you have to realize that you want and need more, and then have the strength, the courage, the faith to go out and get it. Push back! It may be the exact thing that lights that fire inside you that pushes you forward. 

Believe in the Unbelievable that is YOU and my prayer for you today is that you allow yourself to be open and honest to the possibility of change, growth, and truth in what matters most. In all things we do let us do them with a servant heart and God as our companion. 

Have a blessed day all! 


"All things are possible if you believe." Mark 9:23


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